Puig windscreen

Update ; Finally got Puig in and love it , fits perfect and stylish as well . :thumbup:
Now for some long rides , perhaps tomorrow and Sunday .:thumbup:
Will post up some shots later today .
Here are some shots , lite smoke tint 5548H :
One shot sucks for focus , used Stainless Steel Screws .

That looks nice. Be waiting for your reviews...
For anyone in the US trying to find a Puig Touring screen...

I just called around and talked to a couple Puig distributors. It appears that none of them stock the touring screens, so you have to place a special order. Some shops/dealers aren't aware of this, and only see that their distributors have none in stock. A backorder will never be filled, because the distributors will never order a touring screen unless it is specifically special ordered.

I just placed a special order through Indy Superbikes (indysuperbike.com) for a clear touring screen. Total price including shipping to Michigan came to $111. They placed their special order through a distributor named Western Power Sports, who said that they place orders with Puig often, and would expect the screen to get here in 2-3 weeks as long as Puig themselves have any in stock.
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used Stainless Steel Screws .

You may want to consider returning to the stock plastic screws. They are an intentional weak point so that if you fly over the handlebars in a crash and slam body parts into the screen (probably the crotch area), the screen is more likely to break clean off at the screws as one piece rather than breaking into sharp pieces, with parts still solidly mounted to the bike. I would consider this to be even more important with a larger touring screen.

Don't worry about the strength of the plastic screws. I (as well as many other people) have a much larger touring screen mounted on my FJR with 6 of the same plastic screws.
You may want to consider returning to the stock plastic screws. They are an intentional weak point so that if you fly over the handlebars in a crash and slam body parts into the screen (probably the crotch area), the screen is more likely to break clean off at the screws as one piece rather than breaking into sharp pieces, with parts still solidly mounted to the bike. I would consider this to be even more important with a larger touring screen.

Don't worry about the strength of the plastic screws. I (as well as many other people) have a much larger touring screen mounted on my FJR with 6 of the same plastic screws.

FYI , plastic screws will pop off with this screen , ask me how I know ? Well go ahead . Trust me the plastic screws are not the way to go with a larger screen .
God help if I am in a crash , the windscreen is not a top worry for me .
Not slamming you just stating facts , first hand experience .
FYI the Puig seem to be a flexible non-breakable plastic , I really believe it will not shatter , bend , but not shatter .
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For anyone in the US trying to find a Puig Touring screen...

I just called around and talked to a couple Puig distributors. It appears that none of them stock the touring screens, so you have to place a special order. Some shops/dealers aren't aware of this, and only see that their distributors have none in stock. A backorder will never be filled, because the distributors will never order a touring screen unless it is specifically special ordered.

I just placed a special order through Indy Superbikes (indysuperbike.com) for a clear touring screen. Total price including shipping to Michigan came to $111. They placed their special order through a distributor named Western Power Sports, who said that they place orders with Puig often, and would expect the screen to get here in 2-3 weeks as long as Puig themselves have any in stock.
Look for at least 6 to 7 months unless Puig was smart and sent a few with this last shipment .
That looks nice. Be waiting for your reviews...

Here we go a quick review ;
As you all know getting a Puig Touring Windscreen can be a long wait sometimes .
Worth the wait ? Depends . I believe it was .
The Puig TW is a perfect fit for the bike , it in fact fits better than the Yama Bubble straight from Yamaha .
Screw holes , margin around light above side body fairing is perfect .
The Puig TW at first removal from package did seem a little thinner than the stock or Yama Bubble , and in fact it is thinner than the Yama Bubble but the same as the stock , but it is flexible and I believe a non-breakable material (lexan ?) , anyways it is still a nice windscreen .

I did use some stainless steel screws with nylon washers to attach the Puig TW with , the plastic stock screws will pop off with this windscreen (if you tighten them snugly the screen will squeak , it has to be tight) , so either order a set of aluminum screws from Ebay or other source or do as I did and go to local hardware store and get some stainless screws and nylon washers (washer are optional) .

Okay , for wind , it did have a great affect on it , the best way I can describe it is 70mph now feels like 40mph use to as far as wind whip and noise . The wind now hits me around the top of my helmet , versus the chest like the Yama Bubble or stock one .
I did do a string test (strings taped to the edges and middle) , the air flow is strange being that the windscreen is slanted the wind still tends to shear off right at the top of the windscreen , the sides do expand a little from the windscreen's edge .
The windscreen will and does flex at faster speeds (85+) or with a hard side wind blast . When I say it will flex I mean a very slight amount , nothing to worry about and I would say as tall as the windscreen is (6" more than stock) it is a given .
So in conclusion , Puig Touring Windscreen gets a 4 1/2 out of 5 stars from me .
Go get one if you are into touring .

If the wait is to much Marthy has a nice looking one as well .
Okay anyone know where I can get one of these before my Las Vegas trip in 2 wks. I would like the light smoke 5548H

I ordered one Friday from Knee Draggers. I know Sirnice was looking for one too (light smoke) and they claimed they had a few in stock. I'll let you know when I get mine in. Apparently it should be here tomorrow...

I ordered one Friday from Knee Draggers. I know Sirnice was looking for one too (light smoke) and they claimed they had a few in stock. I'll let you know when I get mine in. Apparently it should be here tomorrow...

It came in. $85 from Knee Draggers. I'm gonna try to put it on tonight.
No problem at all.

I'm using 2 stays on mine to eliminate the flexing at high speed. I need it since I'm using the extension on top. There's 2 hard point (where the plastic pins are below the cluster) I bought a few of those stays and rod ends... I can send you a kit if you want. There 6" long with 2 rod end on each side... SS of course. If you are interested I can post a pic of the set up...

About the extension on top , I am thinking about putting a spoiler on as well . It seems logical that it would help divert the wind upward more which would be a good thing .
Sure post up a few shots when you get time . I think I know where you are referring to , but a visual is still a good idea .
Here you go! The clip goes on the fairing bracket (10/32) all you do is screwing the rod end into that clip and drill your screen (3/16") It work great if your screen is flopping around at high speed. When it flop around it make wind noise too. I got those at McMaster Carr. I have 2 kit I won't use... they cost around $25.00 a pop if I can remember well... I've been using those all summer and still look like brand new... since it rain almost everyday here.
Martin , those look nice (man your good at designs) , the shield does not flex in that manner so those struts would not be beneficial for me , thanks for showing and asking .
Perhaps when I attach the spoiler I might see more flexing , will keep this in mind .
Going to rig something up this weekend , if it doesn't rain that is and try out the spoiler idea .
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I have tue dark smoke it's not as easy to see through but viable even through a dark smoke helmet lens and dark smoke screen....you will be fine, but as far as fuctionally don't expect to much more of a difference in wind deflection ...
I just got dark smoke.. Does anyone know if that'll be a problem when trying to see through it, when you're hunched over tank?
I just got dark smoke.. Does anyone know if that'll be a problem when trying to see through it, when you're hunched over tank?
I have a dark smoke racing screen, and I would never get low enough to look through it. The way the screen deflects the air, you don't really need to get so low you're looking through the screen.

I have a dark smoke racing screen, and I would never get low enough to look through it. The way the screen deflects the air, you don't really need to get so low you're looking through the screen.

Well, tonight was my first time riding. Maybe I was only doing it for the "thrill". :rolleyes:

I suppose I'll be fine with it. I doubt it'll be often when I want to lay on the tank anyway?
