Pickup driver tries to kill motorcyclist.


Well-Known Member
this is an international forum and indicating vulgar language as french, although perhaps funny to you, is likely not funny to all, especially those with a french background.

Sorry to take away from what is actually atrocious, that murderous driver, but what CC said is a common English speaking phrase, not for just us in the US, and has been around for over a century, It started out as apologizing to those that may not understand what your are going to say an has stuck and currently means "excuse my profane language." I'm personally doubtful that the phrase "excuse my french" is remotely offensive to that heritage any longer.


New Member
I mean maybe im the only one that is thinking like this , but if the motorcycle rider was riding like a Jack wagon in the first place this might have been avoided , this is a road rage incident all day long on both parties and then smart thing for the first rider to do was pull over on the side of the road and let this guy by .....thats just my two cents , and if this was brought to my station everyone would have been arrested for careless and reckless driving , passing in a no passing zone , failure to maintain lane control and exceeding a safe speed , along with assault with a deadly weapon for the truck driver. i'm going to show a supervisor this video and see if they agree . Just my two cents.


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this is a road rage incident all day long on both parties and then smart thing for the first rider to do was pull over on the side of the road and let this guy by .....thats just my two cents

if that happened to me, there is no way i would pull over. for all i know, he would just run into me while i'm sitting still. He already showed he didn't care for the first riders safety.


New Member
Thanks for the point of view from law enforcement. I agree the biker was driving fast and wanted to pass the guy right away, but geez most people would watch him pass and then think something like "what an idiot, hope I don't see him around the next corner spread all over the road." What the pick up driver did was atrocious!! Must have been drinking:iconbeer:

Ill second what the driver did was atrocious but it should have been avoided all together , can you say anger issues?


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driver needs his @$$ kicked


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I cannot believe everyone stopped at the end of this road and conversed - for lack of a better term. Alternatively, I'm surprised the pickup driver didn't try to run after all that, but I can't believe the end result and that it didn't come to blows. He coulda had a friggin shot gun in the back of the truck. I'll keep my eyes open a little WIDER from now on in case there are others out there straddling the line through corners, OMG.


New Member
I know you are new to the forum and your anger is meant to be somewhat humorous (I hope), but recognize that this is an international forum and indicating vulgar language as french, although perhaps funny to you, is likely not funny to all, especially those with a french background.

Be happy,

:welcome:....This made me smile...:admin:

A thread about someone about to kill,.....murder! and that sticks out. Gotta love america.
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New Member
I cannot believe everyone stopped at the end of this road and conversed - for lack of a better term. Alternatively, I'm surprised the pickup driver didn't try to run after all that, but I can't believe the end result and that it didn't come to blows. He coulda had a friggin shot gun in the back of the truck. I'll keep my eyes open a little WIDER from now on in case there are others out there straddling the line through corners, OMG.

I have a feeling that one of the riders told him hes on camera and if he runs hes done, and if he trys anything hes done as I suspect the one with the camera was on his cellphone with the police at the end. As you can see the redneck sort of panics at the end while he is on the phone too, almost like hes saying "Damnit im f&cked" over the phone.


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I was gonna post this but didn't know how. I am glad you did post, bjs045...that is some bullsh*t! Makes you really think when you are out there doin what we do!


New Member
Always appreciated....

Video doesn't lie... but, all I saw were two bikers on a back county road come up on a truck... don't know how this guy was driving before, but, when the bike passed (and yes.... bad move on his part, illegal on his part...) , he obviously tried to wreck the guy.... what would he have done had he actually hit him :eek: he def. wasn't thinking... but then he proceeded to do the exact same thing, crossing EVERY double yellow on turns, speeding and chasing down the other bike.

Agreed, road rage... who know how many times he has been on that road "frequented by motorcyclists" and been passed like that... had an argument earlier, had to go in early to work... etc. etc. etc.

we've all had bad days... made bad decisions... but most people after making a mistake like that, would slow down, calm down and go about their merry way... this guy continued... when he came up on the biker he stopped and jumped out, couldn't tell if he tried to hit the biker again, or jumped out and didn't put the truck in park.

Me personally... I'd slow and wait... most decent people, will slow down and wave you around... if they don't, I'll pull over and take twenty minute break, to let traffic clear, then again, I'm the "slow" rider...

yeah , the guy in truck is a moron , and if he had killed him , im sure he would have faced manslaughter charges at the very least. its funny how somthing so stupid can spiral out of control into somthing like this.

Hopefully both parties learned something out of this experience. Im like you I would just slow down pull over take a quick break or take a side road or somthing my life is not worth getting somewhere 2 minutes sooner , take it from me unless your doing 80-100 trying to get somewhere your not really making any time up doing 60-70 Mph

See red

New Member
Holy mother of hill billy!!!!!!!!!! I can see the guy in the truck in a world of shhhhht........ as far as the d-bag passing on a double yellow, he was just stupid. But you all have to admit that sob can drive! I mean come on! 5000 or 6000 pound truck, WITH an atv in the back??? lmao!!!! Who says nascar doesn't teach? lmao!!!!!!!


New Member
I feel like I was left hanging here....What was the result of the call to the Police? Did the DB truck driver get a citation for reckless endangerment for his driving? Did the biker get a ticket for an illegal pass?

I don't think attempted vehicular assault would hold up in court but for all the crossed yellow lines reckless endangerment might.


New Member
I beg to differ, I think all charges would hold up! He chases him, along with crossing into opposing traffic. He gets out of the truck with a weapon....I think he's a lil fu-(k-3d


New Member
I beg to differ, I think all charges would hold up! He chases him, along with crossing into opposing traffic. He gets out of the truck with a weapon....I think he's a lil fu-(k-3d

The swerve towards the motorcycle during the pass would have to be proven beyond a doubt that his intention was to hit the motorcyclist in order to convict him on attempted vehicular assault or anything like that. Since he didn't hit the biker, the jury would not have a good case to convict as no one knows the intention and the thoughts of the truck driver at that moment in time. Reasonable doubt got OJ off....

Good point on getting out of the truck with a weapon as I missed that. It was after the fact though and he can always claim it was 2 (or more) on one and he was protecting himself.

Just remember that a jury cannot convict someone on intent if the prosecution cannot prove the intent. Reading minds is not allowed in court nor is conjecture and innuendo. It appears that the truck driver swerves at the biker but can you prove his intent was to hit the biker?
