Passed my MSF Basic Rider today


New Member
98% on the written and aced the skills test penalty points. I'm headed to the MVA in the morning to get the little "M" on my license. Then I can finally ride the FZ6R that I've owed for two weeks . :D
Scott, after taking the class, I couldn't agree more. I am so glad I went this route instead of getting a learner's permit. As far as anything related to my motorcycle, this was by far the best $300 I'll ever spend.
MistahT, let me know when you're getting together again. I'd be down for meeting some local riders.
Congrats on the pass...

Heed the training -- ride safe...
Actually, it was $350 through the Rider's Edge program at the HD dealership. Still worth every penny IMHO. The fact they took someone who had never even been on a bike before and gave them the skill (and confidence) to pass the course like that speaks volumes to me. :)
Congrats! .
If it's not wet or actually raining when I get home, I'm going to take it for a couple spins around the block. I can't just NOT ride it. :D
