Orange Cowl?


New Member
I see they have a Raven Black, but what about the Burnt Orange? I think it would look decent with a black passenger seat cowl, but way better with the burnt orange on burnt orange.

Any idea if they will make one? Anyone have a pic of an orange with black cowl?

prob not...they just are not into producing alot of after market stuff for this platform
It has something to do with molecules, black absorbs light, bright colors refracting, bending color, bending light, flux capacitors...lot's of scientific jargon :thumbup:
where is bigguybbr when you need him? I need some Raven back up here!!

Last I checked tiger blood beats flux capacitors. Dont make him unleash its true powers.

Just like rock beats scissors. :eek:

BUT....yellow beats em all. STAR POWER :rolleyes:...IE Paper beats rock ;)
Last I checked tiger blood beats flux capacitors. Dont make him unleash its true powers.

Just like rock beats scissors. :eek:

BUT....yellow beats em all. STAR POWER :rolleyes:...IE Paper beats rock ;)

im sorry when you say Star power i think :cheer:...jk;)
That was my intentions, I was joking :)
Just so you know, as a raven owner, and being a person of limited inabitions, while you were making up b.s. on the flux capacitor I peed on your wheels.... marking territory and all.
And during all your shenanigans between orange and raven... I on my Cadmium have lapped you 14 times. Rossi couldn't even keep up with cadmium!
You know what they say..."Once you go black..." :thumbup:

That you must wax once a week to avoid swirlys? Or did you mean something else ;) lol

I'm not sure about that. Maybe it's the tiger blood finally showing its TRUE color and mutating the orange out of the raven :)
