On to the next one, so long FZ6R hello CBR1000RR Fireblade


New Member
well after about a year, 9k miles, extensive poking and proding at the fz6r, I decided it was time. I got close to what I wanted out of it from a private sale, and she seems quite pleased. I don't see her outgrowing that bike any time soon.

Well about 6 hours later I was the proud new owner of this 2004 CBR1000RR Fireblade. Seller was a older gent from FL and the bike had resided there since 05. It has 5,400 miles, and was garage neglected for the larger portion of its life.

With that in mind, Ive been following these for years and made sure I got a good price. This week she will get new shoes (q2), brake pads, fluids, and probably a chain (orig one is quite rusted and the sprockets appear to be ok from what I can see at this point. I was going to wait until i washed all the garage crud off it before i posted pics, but I just had to share :rolleyes:

I think with a couple hundred bucks this will be quite the runner for the next season or two, or until I get bored that is :D

Oh and btw the girlfriend was NOT HAPPY. she apparently really liked the R and is not so sure about her new seat. Her biggest complaint is turbulence, so I think once she cruises on the back at 70 and 4grand shell get the idea. bike almost seems too powerful ;)

I have no intentions of stopping my daily visits to the R forum, great place, great info, great bike. I will miss it and loved owning something so new but it was time to get a highway cruiser. Only 26 years young once.

Full coverage through State Farm is running me 300/yr. Ah the perks of getting older.

cheers and happy riding folks! :wav:






and the beloved 2011 Raven

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Monster Member
Elite Member


Sweet ride and welcome to the 1000rr club. :thumbup:

Love the under-tail exhaust it makes the lines of the bike more linear on the.


waiting out winter
Elite Member


New Member
Congrats! One of my friends had the 600cc version of that bike- same color and year- b4 he sold it and got an 848 Evo. Very nice CBR :)


Insert title Here
Elite Member


New Member


New Member
That bike is like 'finally! back on the road', poor bike been sittin there in the garage all lonely, you freed her, bet ya'll have a great time together - be safe, and congrats!


New Member
Very nice looking bike!!!! Congrats on the ride!

6R's seem to be changing hands like crazy around here again this spring...

My wife is ready to let me get a FJR or a Connie later this summer or next spring once we pay off a few things.. I would like to trade the 6R to lower the cost of purchase and monthly insurance, but I am not ashamed to say, I am not sure I could do that... I am a pretty sentimental guy to my bike. I have read in magazines (and on here in other posts) about missing your past rides, *especially your first rides, and I have a strong feeling I would miss the 6R big time if I were to lose/trade her!

Anyways, congrats again, that is a sweet looking ride

It's true, I really missed my 6R, kinda felt like I abandoned her, but found out she went to a good new home - yeah, the FJR or Connie will be great touring missles, seen some youtube videos where hardcore SS riders found them to be suprisingly enjoyable to ride (check out Kaming's comments after around 1:20).



New Member
beautiful machine good sir now strap an akro or leo on that bad boy!!!


I'm movin on
Elite Member


New Member
fresh wax!



New Member
beautiful machine good sir now strap an akro or leo on that bad boy!!!

gracias senior i was leaning towards leo, after all the maintenance is out of the way.


waiting out winter
Elite Member


Well-Known Member
Very nice purchase dude, I like it...

I've always held a place for the honda bikes. They do make a fine product.
