No clutch lever needed!

Wow. A wife that believes everything her husband tells her. Eventually her transmission will tell her something too.

It will say " I know you haven't shifted me, but right now I'm going to pop out of gear and go into a false neutral. Sorry if this will be inconvenient for you."
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Yeah, I know, it was a joke - I thought the smiley thing gave it away.. Oh well.. I'll try again later..

Ok, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on that one. :eyebrow:

I thought the smiley was in reference to hoping you won't have to use the frame sliders, not your post as a whole.
Yeah, FlyZ6R doesn't exactly get humor. Here's another example.

As in the "other example", I apologize for my lack of tact. It's been a hard couple of days for me and I snapped a bit in both threads. In this thread however, looking at the context (i.e. the quote embedded in the comment) it looked a lot more like a dig at someone's opinion using a poor line of logic and not just a 'joke'.

I dunno, maybe my frustration has overridden my sense of humor. I've been re-calibrating my brain today and will be 'normal' :p again.
Back on topic though, I will say this: Some bikes like the BMW S1000RR have built in quick shifters and are designed to be upshifted without the clutch. The FZ6R does not have one, and was not designed to do that. Can you? Of course. Can I dip my balls in kerosene and set them on fire? Of course. I don't do either on a regular basis.
At least a quickshifter kills power for a few milliseconds and takes some pressure off the shifting forks and dogs. And reduces the shock all along the power train. I don't see any point to it unless you're trying to win a race.
Back on topic though, I will say this: Some bikes like the BMW S1000RR have built in quick shifters and are designed to be upshifted without the clutch. The FZ6R does not have one, and was not designed to do that. Can you? Of course. Can I dip my balls in kerosene and set them on fire? Of course. I don't do either on a regular basis.

On a regular what your saying is that you have dipped your balls in kerosene and set them on fire before though? Interesting.... 0.o

I am here:,-94.048052
Sent from Joshua's android dominating iPhone using Tapatalk
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I had to do the same thing for about a while after I finished HS Marthy. I rolled my ankle REALLY bad. My shin and calf turned purple and I couldn't put any weight on it. My car worked fine, my left leg didn't. I used a cane for taking off out of a stop, but speed shifted (both up and down) for everything else. I was glad that I had practiced speed shifting the car before that for those "just in case" situations. Once my leg got better I used the clutch again.

I find your lack of humor disturbing.

Nasty: You don't know the power of the dark side!

If you keep shifting with out a clutch eventually your shifting forks will score and the dogs on the gear wont stay engaged
