Next newb QOTD: Mist on the visor


New Member
So it was foggy out this morning when I left. About a mile into the ride, the mist starts building up on my visor. I came through town, so there was no where near enough speed/air flow to blow it off. On the other hand, I was going too fast to feel safe riding with my visor up. Is there anything I can do to help shed it faster? I read a few threads yesterday about Rain-X. Seems some of you swear by it, other say it's bad as it's not supposed to be used on plastic. Should I carry a towel stuffed in my jacked to wipe it off at red lights? Does someone make a windshield type wiper to stick on our helms? (I jest of course)

Opine please.


New Member
I just use the back of my gloved thumb to wipe my visor like a squeegee. Works just fine. Not much point in using a towel, as you will be wiping a couple times a minute.

I think I've seen actual mini squeegees that can be attached to gloves.


waiting out winter
Elite Member


Mistah T
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Elite Member


New Member
Mike, I'll stop tonight and take a look for the wipes. They should be handy to keep in the jacket/seat as well to clean on the go. Thanks.


waiting out winter
Elite Member


New Member
NOT to change topic.... But ohh those snot spots are awesome on gloves when you ride on somewhat colder days lol!! Since you cant really carry kleenix and keep taking your helmet off. :)

Staying off topic, I have a bad habit of spitting out the window when I drive. I have caught myself twice now preparing to turn my head and spit sitting a red light. :facepalm:


waiting out winter
Elite Member


New Member
Staying off-topic - WTF do you do when you need/want to sneeze? You know it is not going to help your trottle control or line of vision, forgret about what will happen inside your helmet?


I find turning my head left and right helps move a standing mist into rolling droplets.

I have used the same method for 40 years. A slight turn of the head beads it up and rolls it to the side. IMO a lot safer than wiping. We have a lot of heavy fog in our neck of the woods. To each his own.


New Member
Staying off-topic - WTF do you do when you need/want to sneeze? You know it is not going to help your trottle control or line of vision, forgret about what will happen inside your helmet?

I guess try to get your visor up in time? :)


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