MPG serious issues or am I crazy?

I too noticed that when I commute (its short 7 miles one way no highway per se) that I was getting in the thirties for the most part while keeping the revs low (4 -5k).

As I got back into riding it a bit more like I stole it, revs picked up, and interestingly enough so did the mileage. Just keeping the bike up in the revs a bit more (6k or so) improved my mileage to around an average of 43 or so. Trips on the highway or other high speed roads make it go up to almost 50.

Just a thought on the mileage as the bike may just get better mileage at some point on a curve that we cant see.:)
I just don't worry about it. None of my vehicles are fuel efficient so it doesn't both me. Lifted Jeep on 35's gets about 14 mpg, F150 ecoboost gets about 18, Integra GSR heavily modded gets about 10, 08 Saturn Sky Redline don't know as it sits in storage. My boat....hehe...on a good day gets 2 gallons per mile. lol ... if I get 35-40 on the bike I'm a happy camper.
Even big turbo Tegs get more than 10. What setup you running?

Full-Race T4/T67, 1000cc Precision injectors, sleeved B18C1, full-race manifold, AEM full management, about 28psi of boost. Puts down about 480hp on 110 race fuel. It's not street legal. Strictly a track car. So I really don't pay attention to the fuel economy. And at $10 a gallon is it really economical? lol
Full-Race T4/T67, 1000cc Precision injectors, sleeved B18C1, full-race manifold, AEM full management, about 28psi of boost. Puts down about 480hp on 110 race fuel. It's not street legal. Strictly a track car. So I really don't pay attention to the fuel economy. And at $10 a gallon is it really economical? lol

I want some pics of this beast! I love bikes but imports are a passion.

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It took me a bit to get the right MPG on this bike too.. coming from a 250 which was complete opposite (got worse mileage on highway, then local roads).
On the highway is where this bike's MPG shine (as long as your not doin triple digits).
Quite a list of toys you got there! What do you do for work? I need to be doing that myself!

IT director for a healthcare EMR provider.

I want some pics of this beast! I love bikes but imports are a passion.

Sent using Jedi mind tricks!

Old pic from early '07 when it was still street legal and driveable. Car is currently torn apart, mostly, engine out, again, trans needs rebuilt, again. Haven't driven it since late 2008'ish. Had a '99 E46 M3 that I built for auto-x. Recently sold that. GSR just doesn't hold up to the power. Can throw down some wicked numbers....for about 250 miles. Then something takes a crap and I'm tearing it apart again.

Well before it was torn apart it was really clean looking. Reminds me of a high school buddy's 89 crx. Fully built na b18 pushing almost 300hp and broke down every week.

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Well, I've been keeping the rpm's up, around 5k, even if it means rolling around in 3rd, and I turned 148 miles on 3 gal. By my math that's just short of 50mpg. I also just turned 400 miles today, and the engine breaking in might have something to do with the improved mileage.
Is it just me ? I've noticed mine seems to use more fuel if I'm sitting around 4000 rpm most of the time for commuting speeds. Cruising at 3000 or 5000 rpm seems better.

Me too! I think the difference might be that I don't accelerate hard when I'm cruising around at lower RPMs.
I gained some wait and there went the MPG. Proves the lighter you are the easier on the MPG. Why not - makes sense!
