Motorcycle Crashes into Bicycles

:eek: aren't there other, less dangerous, roads around there? considering how many wrecks happen:surrender: there, id avoid it
Looked a little bit like fixation, and a little like he went wide (which may have been the thing to do depending on the turn he came off).

That being said (and with all due respect for the bicyclists and their injuries), what are they doing on a stretch of road *famous* for very fast moving, tenuously balanced, vehicles coming around blind turns, and expecting traffic moving at the same speed as they are.

"Share the road" may be nice, and all politically correct, but being a f#$%'ing dumbass about the environment you're bicycling in is pre-meditated stupidity...

And, frankly, I'm getting more and more tired of riding *OR* driving down highways and significant four lane arteries, having to watch for bicycles moving at 1/3 the prevailing speed of traffic, who think that's ok because "the road is for everyone..." This may not be a popular opinion... so, if I offended any bicyclists out there... well... c'est la vie...
Fortunately this is a somewhat rare occurance, and also the bicyclist did not get hurt badly. But, I do think riding a bicycle on a public highway is a bit foolish, primarily because they cannot ride at the appropriate speed to flow with traffic, but rather impede traffic and disrupt the flow.

I do, however, believe in Freedom, the pursuit of happiness, and the golden rule - I don't want anyone standing in the way of my passion (motorcycles), so I guess we need to be tolerant of others hobbies.

But, common sense has to have a say at some point, for now it seems to work, but what happens when the bicyclist population on highways quadruples? Recently I have been seeing huge groups of really, really slow out of shape bicyclists, not in a central pack, but stretched out for miles creating an extended hazard, and they seem to be completely oblivious to the danger they are creating (e.g. impatient drivers crossing double yellows on blind curves to pass them). So, yeah, it makes for a bit of tension for sure, but I really don't think its going to change anytime soon.
That's what bicycle lanes are for... Just sayin'...

For real though, the bicyclist was barely moving and on the car lane side of the white line. Very much the motorcyclist's fault as well, IMHO, he shouldn't have straightened the bike up... I know, I know, spur of the moment thing, could've happened to anyone.
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I have no doubt there are more and more "yahoos" on over-powered supersports, thanks to the publicity of Mulholland (as well as the Suches Loop, here in Georgia, and Deals Gap - TotD, in N.C.), as MIchaelinVenice correctly points out.

That's an unfortunate evolution of the "demographics" of these places which have and *will* create more and more issues. However, it further emphasizes the reality of the need to recognize the type of traffic that exists up there now, *especially* if you're a bicycle rider, or a walker/hiker/skateboarder/whatever... and *especially* if the local authorities are giving the bikers latitude. Even 20mph means bicyclists and walkers become road hazards...
...What accident???

all i saw was a nice bit photographer (0:52 sec):D
Really gotta blame the bicycle rider on this one. Was the motorcycle speeding? Maybe, was the bicycle moving at an unsafely slow speed on a blind and twisty road? Yes. Is the motorcycle registered to be on the highway and public roads? Yes Is the bicycle? No, they do not pay any taxes, registration, or fees to ride their bicycles. They should NOT have been riding on a road with no shoulders either, just plain ass stupid.
He needs to develop an "instant action slow down, keep cool and avoid danger" sense. He almost snapped the poor cyclist's back.

You have to keep a mental map in your head of where the cyclists might be. Assume that every blind corner will have cyclists on it, until you can see the corner vanishing point.

If you aren't looking 2-3 seconds up the road, then you are flying blind.

Also be aware that most people tend to want to go faster than usual when being watched on camera or by a pretty lady. So again, stay cool and do your normal speed.
most bicycle folk i know always say "we have the same rights to the road as you"

yeah i get it, but when you are on a human powered machine that clogs up traffic and generally pisses cagers and motorcycle people off "just because it's your right"

it was karma for when that bicycle guy blocked traffic trying to turn right so he could go straight and runs stop signs all day long as he has the same rights but the laws do not apply.

i dont know where the bikers head was. that was just stupid. i am just venting and hope the guy is OK but i do hate when bicyclists get in front and block me in "because they can" i have dreamed about driving through them..........

but not like that

Yeah.. that is nasty target fixation. Looked like he tried to ram em. Crazy.
