Motorcycle crash in the news today 4/26/11


New Member
First duty as a fiancée is not getting another bike!?!?! Did you see the look on his face? LOL. He's like yeah right! We'll see about that.


New Member
That sucks but hes in good shape now :) thanksfully


New Member
First duty as a fiancée is not getting another bike!?!?! Did you see the look on his face? LOL. He's like yeah right! We'll see about that.

i'd be seeing if he can trade that ring in towards a new bike, well in addition to what the other driver will be paying for.

poor daytona. :(


New Member
Glad he's ok.... I always watch behind me for that reason. I agree with his facial expression!! I'm sure he was thinking "pssshhh, whatev woman!"

See red

New Member
First duty as her fiance is to NEVER marry her. LMAO!! the suttle roll of the eyes.... and she is sitting there like I am the boss.


New Member
I always watch behind me for that reason.

in 2007, I got rearended (in a work truck). Stopped on a 2 lane highway waiting to turn left, and remember seeing in my mirror a truck coming at me at about 40-50 mph. I 'tried' to get moving as fast as i could to get out of the way and still got slammed from the back. driver never seen me, or my strobes for that matter.

to this day, everytime i am coming to a stop, i get that erie feeling and i focus in on my mirrors. I bet that rider, or anyone that gets hit from behind, will have that same problem for a while.


New Member
^^^ Since that video of the dude on a moto getting hit by the lady on 19th Avenue in San Francisco, I've been really *more* diligent in looking at the rear view every time I slow to a stop and finding the exit or cover (filter exit) at intersections.

I think I remember the MSF instructor telling us to do the same. Make sure you are always scanning for exits and make sure the autos coming up behind you in traffic are slowing down.

--- video reference ---

[ame=]YouTube - Range Rover rearends Suzuki GSXR[/ame]


World Most Bad A$$ 6R
Elite Member


New Member
Looks like he grabbed his brakes way too hard and locked them up. No matter what happens in life, always remember 2 simple words: DON'T PANIC :cool:


New Member
My Fiance tried the old you can't ride until your ribs are healed. I don't have a bike to drive YET.......
Race bike is in the garage and I have a race next month on the 22nd...LOL

I loved the look the dude had when she said no more bikes...ya right....


New Member
:rof: thats the look i gave my girlfreind when she said she brake up with me if i get a bike...bin about 7months sense ive had my bike and were still together lol
always fun to mess with her when i get on my bike and tell her "thought you were gonna break up with me!?!?" and drive off lol

When ever i brake hard though i traffic i make sure to get in between the lanes so i dont get rear ended.
glad that dude is ok, thought for a second the car was gonna run over him:eek:


New Member
:rof: thats the look i gave my girlfreind when she said she brake up with me if i get a bike...bin about 7months sense ive had my bike and were still together lol
always fun to mess with her when i get on my bike and tell her "thought you were gonna break up with me!?!?" and drive off lol

When ever i brake hard though in traffic i make sure to get in between the lanes so i dont get rear ended.
glad that dude is ok, thought for a second the car was gonna run over him:eek:

:thumbup: "When ever i brake hard though in traffic i make sure to get in between the lanes so i dont get rear ended.":thumbup:

If I am the last one in line waiting for a traffic light I move in between cars to avoid the hit from behind.


Super Moderator
Elite Member


New Member
yeah, It also seems like he wasn't paying enough attention as well, hence the locked up rear when he had plenty of space to slow down.

As far as always looking for exits and such, I always move to the left or right side af slowing/stopped cars and NEVER stop directly behind a car. That way, as I look in my rear mirrors, if the fool behind me isn't slowing down, I can shoot between the cars and let them take the impact. But, I usually just split traffic to the front of stopped traffic.


Not sure of your local laws in the US, but in the UK we always filter (except Harley riders for some reason:confused:) so we are less likely to be done up the ar$e, so to speak:)


New Member
Not sure of your local laws in the US, but in the UK we always filter (except Harley riders for some reason:confused:) so we are less likely to be done up the ar$e, so to speak:)

The reason Harley riders don't.......they wouldn't be able to stare at themselves in the reflections off the rear window of the car in front of them! :cool: :D

Ploppity Drown

New Member
Saw this story on the morning news here in LA. First thing that came to mind was "And that's why we split lanes." It's near impossible to anticipate and mitigate threats coming from behind. Threats ahead or to the side we can at least brake or swerve to avoid.

That guy is very lucky he didn't get hurt worse, or killed.

How many more instances like this do we need to see before the rest of the country wakes up and makes lanesplitting legal?
