Met Marco Simoncelli today


And I hate to even comment on the video of the crash, but it was just wierd. As the bike veered across it almost looked like Marco was already knocked out but hanging way off the right side, as if being dragged.

that's what I thought also. there's some still pics and also slo-mo video on some sites. reports also that his bike lost then gained traction, causing it to head back into the corner instead of fall to the outside as they usually do. just a weird freak accident. his mother, father and girlfriend were all there at the track
that's what I thought also. there's some still pics and also slo-mo video on some sites. reports also that his bike lost then gained traction, causing it to head back into the corner instead of fall to the outside as they usually do. just a weird freak accident. his mother, father and girlfriend were all there at the track

From Bautista's on-board, it appeared as if Marco was trying to save the low-side and ride it out. He didn't make any effort to let go and unfortunately instead of popping back up, it hooked up and pulled right. I'm sure that result wasn't on his mind in the heat of the moment.
i dont even know what to say.... i havent been able to watch moto gp all season so i was clueless up until now.... i cant imagine how the world of motor-sports is hurting right now, let alone Edwards, Rossi and Simoncelli's family.

I'm still so confused on why he didnt play it safe and bail from the low-side...godspeed simoncelli...and i wish everyone a speedy recovery.

He always tried his best to win and took big risks throughout the season. He thought he had a good chance of picking it back up but unfortunately that was not the case. :'(
Yah. Watching the videos, it looks like he took the corner too aggressively and started carving on the white painted line- which as we all know is slippery as fuck. He really needed to stay on the asphalt. ********* Bike starts low siding and he's hanging off near parallel already. so, it looks like his right foot/leg is pinned down. Then, the bike starts to recover but he still hasn't regained control and the bike is veering right. Collin hits his back/waist and Rossi hits his head. His neck prolly snapped and the helmet popped off. And he's immediately unconscious near death. *** sigh. Hopefully he didnt suffer too much.

RIP Marco. Ull be missed. And ride safely everyone. Stay on the asphalt.
Marco Simoncelli 1999

just came across this

[ame=]Marco Simoncelli incominciò così! - YouTube[/ame]
That looks fun. Makes me wanna do m1gp. But just no time. Sigh
They're awesome, I'm trying to get some biker mates together to do it for my birthday next year, there are a few places in the uk that offer minimotos instead of karts.

Looks awesome fun.

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