Messed up BIG TIME !!

i wonder if it's better to leave the brake caliper on the bike with the pads removed...... or should i plastic bag the caliper and secure to the fork some how.

i know this is starting to sound crazy but these are my only two options.
Whatever...your starting to scare me. :eek: For having owned 25 bikes over the years, you sure do seem to have a lot of problems with them. :) Be careful man. Don't take any unnecessary risks.
was my 1st problem with the bike....... but sure is becoming a ordeal.

im sure the caliper will be fine i only have to ride about 10 blocks... just did know with the pads removed if the disc would touch anything.... i guess if noboby knows i will call a couple mech before i leave to make sure.

im cool with the drive not going to be going over 25 mph........ 85% side roads with no traffic.
If ANY mechanic tells you to drive this bike without front brake pads in one caliper, they need to be SHOT! There is no way this is safe by any stretch! The front brakes are 85% of your stopping power. What happens if someone pulls out in front of you? You will hit them at speed and yes, 25 mph can be serious or even kill you.

Should you make the decision to go forth with this crazy idea, do yourself a huge favor and just REMOVE the front brake lever before leaving, that way, you cannot pull the lever, pop the piston, ruin the caliper, ruin the rotor, spread brake fluid all over your bike and worse, the tire or in the extreme, catch the piston on the rotor and stop the front tire instantly resulting in you doing a heck of a stoppy.

Just don't ride it!!!
Uhaul rents trailers cheap covered and uncovered less than $30. I have used them all the time.
Much better option in my opinion.
If you were closer, I would bring my trailer all set up for all bikes. Be safe and hope it works out for you.

I was going to mention video too but wondered if the video would survive. ;)
