Lowsided on Friday...thank goodness for gear (and frame sliders)

Jay S.

New Member
I was making a left turn doing maybe 10-15mph and the front tire hit something (gravel/oil) and the front end went out and I slid about 5 feet face first in the ground with the bike still between my legs. Funny...if the rear tire goes you usually see the rider and bike seperate, when the front went, it was like I was trying to give planet earth a high-five with my chest and face. Ugh.

Moral of the story, I had full gear on, textile pants and jacket, full face helmet, boots, and gloves. The front of my helmet is gone, even took the faceshield off, gloves did awesome, jacket and pants saved my freakin skin!!! If I didn't have them on my chest and left leg would have no skin left. I normally ride in jeans but had the pants on because it was a bit chilly that morning. I truly may never ride in jeans alone again.

My boots are trashed, helmet obviously must be replaced, gloves are pretty worn, at least one of them. Joe Rocket Jacket and Bilt pants are fine, just scuffed up the pants a bit.

I've been riding for almost 15 years accident free. I'm very thankful this didn't happen years ago when I was riding in half face helmets and t-shirts. Otherwise my chin and skin would no longer be part of my life.

Here are some pics of the bike. Not any major damage, just cosmetic, and my Shogun frame sliders did thier job better than I could have expected. Front blinker broke away (like it is designed) but still cracked the housing. Scratches on the plastic and handlebar ends and clutch handle. Nothing insurance won't cover.

All in all, pretty damn good for faceplanting and sliding a few feet.

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Damn. Glad it was not any worse man!
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That sounds like quite a fall. Very glad you were able to walk away from it and your ride wasn't badly damaged. Full gear FTW!
Glad you're okay. That sounds pretty scary.

If you're fairing isn't scratched up, you might not want to get the insurance co. involved and just fix it yourself. With some help from fellow forum members you can probably find replacements for the signal, clutch lever, bar end, and other items that commonly get upgraded. That plastic "air scoop" piece is only about $40 from stadiumyamaha.com and I just replaced it on mine. It's an easy swap out.

I was thinking the exact same thing. After I get the estimate tomorrow I'll decide if I'm going to file the claim or not depending on the cost. The plastics can be buffed out easily and I'll get prices on the rest and go from there. Glad to know the air scoop is pretty cheap, I really thought that was going to be more expensive. Appreciate the advice bro. I'm going to replace the slider as well, just to be safe. The integrity of it might be compromised now.
That sounds like quite a fall. Very glad you were able to walk away from it and your ride wasn't badly damaged. Full gear FTW!

Man...for it being such a low speed, it sure scared the "you know what" outt me. Haha! I think I got a Doctorate degree in swearing during the 10 seconds it was happening. My left calf is a little sort because I was laying in the oncoming lane so I yanked my leg out from under the bike a little hastily to get the heck out of the street. This happened on Friday morning and I feel fine today.

If I was not a gear believer before, I sure am now!!! Speaking of, I have read a lot of crummy reviews about Bilt gear from Cycle Gear, but my boots and pants did awesome. My .02 cents.

The part I failed to mention is that I was 125 miles from home so I had to "get back on the horse" and ride almost 3 hours home right after it happened, which was probably a blessing. Otherwise I might have been a bit timid about riding for a few days/weeks. By the time I got home I was laughing about it, especially how many f-bombs I used during the slide.

The part I failed to mention is that I was 125 miles from home so I had to "get back on the horse" and ride almost 3 hours home right after it happened, which was probably a blessing.

Like a BOSS! :thumbup:
wow, that's a suck way for your week to begin....

Sounds like the other other guy on the forum could have used your frame sliders, his brake off.
Glad to hear you're ok man! I've got a bonehead move I just pulled on Saturday. I'll post it up in just a second for everyone's viewing pleasure. :shakehead:
ATGATT! Glad to read you're okay, and that your bike will recover. Thanks for posting your experience for the rest of us to consider. Great description of your trajectory!

Glad to hear you had your gear on -too many learn without gear on!

hah that is awesome about the F-bombs -I get tourettes when I stuff things up too!

If you can laugh about things afterwards you know that you are okay and have a balanced life:iconbeer:
