Looking for some help (For my small Business)


New Member
I know I haven't been on here much guys but I am looking for some help.
As some of you may remember form my earlier post I have moved to California for a small business me and some of my friends own. We have an Opportunity to receive a grant for $250,000 from Chase Bank. How Ever we need some votes to to qualify, We are #2 or #3 in the LA area the last time I checked for the highest number of votes but we are still short of the 250 required. If some of you would be willing to vote it would be most appreciated, And yes I do roll into business meeting with customers on my bike still. :D


See Instructions and Links Below.

As some of you know, I started a venture with some friends a few years ago called Innate Innovations, Inc (or i-cubed). We have been working on prototypes for several concepts, as well as assisting other startups by providing technical skills and expertise they might lack. Our ultimate goal is to develop technologies that will benefit the world (and help other startups trying to do the same).

I am posting this because we need your help! There is a competition that Chase and LivingSocial.org are hosting, and we're entering i-cubed, but we need at least 250 votes to be eligible for the competition. We will be forever grateful if you cast your vote for us (by following these steps):

(1) Go here:https://www.missionsmallbusiness.com/users/auth/facebook?display=popup

(1a) Log in with Facebook if you're not already

(2) Scroll down and search for "Innate Innovations Incorporated"

(3) Click "VOTE"

And if you'd like to spread the word:

(4) Click "Share vote"

Your support is greatly appreciated! Votes are due in by June 30th!

Additionally, we started a Facebook page of our own:Innate Innovations Inc. | Facebook (LIKE US!)

Thank You!!!
Craig Newton (and the rest of the Innate team)
Nope not spam, Its in the bar area anything goes. Just trying to create some new jobs, and get some support
you should prob. change your Location: Kernersville NC
Just an update... WOW 250 votes is harder then you think to qualify... but we are getting there 54 left to go anyone else want to help???
I would but I dont do the facebook thing... Sorry

Yeah its a long shot... But I have learned long shots pay off. Hell look at Space-X from nothing to the international space station. By the way when Falcon Heavy lifts off from here in Vandenberg AFB I will have some sweet pics.
