Little nervous-riding in the rain?

By the grace of god? And Im glad you got home safe back then! The rain hurts a little but wasnt to bad! More so just didnt like how the other drivers operate!
I'd have to disagree with your boss. Ride in the tracks because that will be the place with the least water/crap bc it is cleared by tracks most often. I wouldn't ride only in the right hand side either just like I wouldn't do that ever. Lane position should be based on situation. If you're further to the right, its gonna take longer before that person ahead stopped at the road to the right sees you. Just my .02 tho. I'm riding home in wet conditions today too :( Drive safe my friend!

true, use lane position as appropriate for the situation. true, ride in the tracks - cleaner.
best default position is left lane position to be better seen, also discourages lane sharing.
Best advice for riding in the rain: slow down, stay as upright as possible, wear a good, bright colored rain suit.
BTW, make sure the rain-x you are using is good for plastics. The original (for glass) will yellow most plastic compounds over time.
I remember my riding instructor telling me to keep a garbage bag with you at all times. If it is pouring so bad and you are getting soaked, worst case is you ride with one on. Stick your head through the closed end and make room for your arms. Sure you'll look dumb, but you'll be a dry. LOL.

I had my textile (water resistant) one when I was in my downpour and had I not have been wearing a thicker liner, the rain would have eventually soaked me all the way through to the bone. I even had water proof pants...hehehe, my foot. I sat in collected water and was soaked by the time I got home. The right gear will keep you happy. Needless to say I bought better rain gear and will be bringing it with me on our next tour. It rolls up really small and is overwear. The best gear I had with me that day were the waterproof gloves. If your hands are freezing and wet, controlling the bike is difficult.

Congrats on your first wet ride!
I was getting a little worried that I was the only one who actually liked riding in the rain... then I saw 99vengeur & jspansel's posts :p

There's just something about it, I feel cleansed after a ride in the rain. I prefer when its a bit warmer out (anything over 70* is fine) but around here, these spring rains can be quite chilly -- it really pays to have the proper rain gear.

I got stuck in a sudden thunderstorm/downpour on Wednesday on my way home from a dealership. I was out on the ZX-14, so I was a bit nervous about accidentally spinning the back tire since the torque is *so* much more on that bike. Thankfully, Kawasaki puts hazzard lights on their bikes, so I had those on the whole way home - hoping it would make me more visable to the cagers. Got home without any problems at all.
One more thing, the first few minutes of rain is the worst. It wash off all the oil on top. You can see the oil floating on top. When it's been raining for a while it's a bit better.

Drive safe! And keep a lot of distance... :thumbup:


And if the roads you are riding on have a crown (i.e. higher in the middle than on the sides) try to stay closer to peak of the crown as the water and residue will have ran off to the sides mostly ran off BUT still be aware of paint lines.

If you ever get a chance on a rainy morning/day (while it's still bright enough to see and be seen), I highly suggest that you go out and ride. Start on slower city streets and if you can find an empty parking lot go to it and practice emergency braking and some of the MSF drills. This definitely helped me get accustomed to riding in the rain (I actually just got in from work and it's raining, day started off beautiful so of course I took the bike!).

Start slow and of course you'll end up soggy (and people will look at you like you're crazy) but the experience gained from "selectively" riding in the rain is priceless when it rains unexpectedly as you'll always be partially prepared.

......oh, and FYI: heavy rain at highway speeds will feel like rocks hitting your thighs through jeans!
how do you guys handle riding at higher speeds in the rain and wind, I have a hard enough time in the 15mph+ winds :-/
I aim for slower acceleration, slower application of braking, and trying to keep it in as low of a gear as possible (not 1st).
I'm also easier on the back break for some reason. I feel as if anything were to slide in the rain -- it would be the back tire. But that's just me.
