Little nervous-riding in the rain?


New Member
Okay so now today I rode the bike in, sunny and 10mph winds. Here is the thing, weather changed....roads are wet, light drizzle, Ive never ridden in the rain....Im kind of nervous I dont know what to expect. I have the pilot road 3's on but still....and how do you warm u p your tires in the rain....:confused:


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I leave in 30 minutes. Ill keep you guys posted. If you dont hear from me in 3 know something not to great happened


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Ive got the face shield all rain-exed and ready to go(keep the wipes in my tank bag). My boss was telling me to stay to the far right in the lane and dont follow other vehicles tire tracks, is this true?


Sentient Being
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Well....Im heading out....30 minute drive! Wish me luck :surrender:

(looks for a bucket to puke in)


New Member
Ive got the face shield all rain-exed and ready to go(keep the wipes in my tank bag). My boss was telling me to stay to the far right in the lane and dont follow other vehicles tire tracks, is this true?
I'd have to disagree with your boss. Ride in the tracks because that will be the place with the least water/crap bc it is cleared by tracks most often. I wouldn't ride only in the right hand side either just like I wouldn't do that ever. Lane position should be based on situation. If you're further to the right, its gonna take longer before that person ahead stopped at the road to the right sees you. Just my .02 tho. I'm riding home in wet conditions today too :( Drive safe my friend!


New Member
I got stuck in a torrential downpour on the highway for 3 first rain and first rain on highway experience. Friggin' scary and miserable too!

I agree with Chaphil - ride in the tire track of the car in front (leave lots of room though) because there is less water/dirt.
Keep your distance.
Activate your rear light with light rear brake pressue even when you are just slowing a bit to ensure the car behind you knows you are actually slowing. You also are less visible so be aware of cars around you. It's the only time I wish I had more reflective gear on me.
Avoid the painted lines, and be smooth.
I had waterproof gloves for the ride that had a little squeegee on the thumb which was useful to wipe away stubborn "mist" type drops. Otherwise you just turn your head to have the rain slide off.

Mind you, you have already left so this is useless at this point.....hope to hear from you soon!


New Member
If it's been a while between rainy days, the first hour or so of rain will make the roads even more slippery, as it's washing off all that accumulated oil. That means that you absolutely should not ride in the middle of the lane, as that tends to be where cars' oil leaks, so yeah, in the beginning of rain, ride towards the edge of the lane. When it's been raining for a while, I would ride in the middle, as the ruts have a higher tendency to pool water.

In addition to avoiding painted surfaces, also watch out for metal ones like manhole covers, which also get very slippery in the wet.

Good luck


New Member
Well I made it home guys, came right in the house and held the wifey haha. It wasnt that bad although I had one person pass me on the shoulder of the road and blared there horn at me like they didnt see me. She looked like she was 18-20...I wished I had a cop car around man, she deserved a ticket for ruining my depends!!! Anyways It was okay, still a slow going process and not a fan of 15mph wind in a 45mph corner with downpouring rain haha! And the end of it all I felt very accomplished and happy I made it safely!


Staff member
If you are anything like me, the more you ride in the rain, the more comfortable you become and actually look forward to it. It's actually kind of refresshing, especially when the cagers stay home becuase the rain. :thumbup:


New Member
i've only ridden in very light drizzle... my guess is in wet conditions, do everything slowly and smoothly.

that said, if it even looks like it might rain, i hurry up & gtf home asap... <lol> :p


Super Moderator
I love riding in the rain. Like 99 said it is very refreshing... The smells, the sounds, the feel...

With proper rain gear it is very enjoyable. Without proper rain gear it can be hell haha.

Just do everything smooth and not jerky. I stay off of the center hump because that is where all the vehicles drip their oils/fluids. The rain likes to bring those to the surface and make it nice and slick. Stay off painted surfaces as those get really slick.



some people need to brush up on their riding.... riding in the tracks of another car is not the best idea.... actually bad idea


Active Member
I'm glad you made it home safely! I dislike riding in the rain very much. I'll do it, but not by choice. :rolleyes:


Super Moderator
some people need to brush up on their riding.... riding in the tracks of another car is not the best idea.... actually bad idea


Rain Riding Techniques: A Guide to Wet Weather Motorcycle Riding

* Ride in the tire tracks of the cars and trucks ahead of you.
* Stay clear of the oil and debris covered center groove. Try not to ride down the center of any lane continuously. Move to either side of the lane (the tire tracks in each lane). You can actually see the oil build-up as evidenced by the darker color stripe running down the middle of the lane. This is especially true on freeways and interstates.

Top 10 Tips For New Motorcycle Riders

2) Keep your bike in just one part of the lane. The center of most lanes is slick with oil and grease that has deposited over the years. The part of the lane where the most traction is usually available is on the sides where the car tires go.

LateralG - Motorcycle lane positioning

[SIZE=-1]If you are riding a motorcycle then hopefully you have been taught (or figured out for yourself) to ride in one of the "wheel tracks" in the lane because the center of the lane has more dirt, debris, and oil than the sides. Most riders I see understand this and ride in the left wheel track, which is the normal (but not required) position for motorcycle riders. [/SIZE]

Harda toenail

New Member
For the past year I rode my fz1 every single day. Lots of rain and even sleet and snow. Just slow on, slow off. Light engine breaking helps slow. Try to never get in close situations. Crawl around turns. On the interstate, the tire mist of other cars will shower you down so be ready. I advise not to ride in sleet but I don't go far on those days


New Member
In 1962 before the helmet law in Washington I was on a ride to Port Angeles on my 1957 BSA Rocket from Tacoma. When I started out it was a clear day. Coming back it started pouring down. No goggles and no helmet and a short sleeve shirt. I pulled over to the side of the road and found a plastic bag and pulled it over my head and eyes. With blurred vision and wanting to get back home asap I opened it up to about one hundred MPH. :eek: Rain really hurts at that speed. I made it home safe. BTGOG.
