Lane splitting/sharing

I have 1 payment to make before the ZX6r is mine officially, then after a visit to DMV for reg, and a call to insurance.....oh ya and a new rear tire and I will be on my new/used bike, for now I have to ride my lowered FZ6R which is still a blast, but I cannot wait to ride my new toy!! Wife just got her permit and she's been practicing so she can handle the bike when the time comes for her to ride it fulltime
here she is( my zx6r that is)
no we just did a little thread splitting!!:D
I thought there was a regulation in the law that said "As long as you are not going faster than 10mph over the flow of traffic, lane splitting is legal" in california.
I guess it dates back when bikes where air cooled and sitting in traffic was overheating bikes causing them to brake down.

If everybody road bikes, then we would have to worry about lane splitting.
I did a little video of my daily commute splitting traffic leaving San Francisco over the Bay Bridge heading towards Berkeley...
YouTube- Splitting Traffic Lanes in the Bay Area
This video scares the crap out of me!! I know its legal in CA to do this... but ***YIKES***

I don't think I could ever split lanes on my bike. People driving in Chicago are chumps and don't look when they change lanes.

I almost got hit when a stupid mini-van cut me off the first month I was riding... Now I stay ahead of the vehicle next to me's driver side window instead of toward the rear since I'm probably in the blind spot anyway... and I can easily accelerate to get out of the way if I see a bozo sneaking in on my space.
I thought there was a regulation in the law that said "As long as you are not going faster than 10mph over the flow of traffic, lane splitting is legal" in california.
I guess it dates back when bikes where air cooled and sitting in traffic was overheating bikes causing them to brake down.

If everybody road bikes, then we would have to worry about lane splitting.

Nope. There is nothing in the CA vehicle code about speeds while lane splitting. Basically, there is nothing in the VC that says you CAN'T lane split. So, as long as you do it 'safely' (as determined by the officer and given the situation present) then your ok.
This video scares the crap out of me!! I know its legal in CA to do this... but ***YIKES***

I don't think I could ever split lanes on my bike. People driving in Chicago are chumps and don't look when they change lanes.

I almost got hit when a stupid mini-van cut me off the first month I was riding... Now I stay ahead of the vehicle next to me's driver side window instead of toward the rear since I'm probably in the blind spot anyway... and I can easily accelerate to get out of the way if I see a bozo sneaking in on my space.

Yeah, it takes a while to get use to. It took me a while to even try it. Gotta be 100% aware of your surroundings. I started out splitting a few cars at traffic lights and then slowly worked my way up. Like I said...I'm taking it slow and cautiously, but there are many fools that blast through the traffic....and they're the ones getting injured or killed. I feel safer splitting slowly then sitting in stop and go were you'd be more likely rear-ended.
A long time ago when dinosaurs roamed Southern California I got a ticket for passing on the right. 1976
In the video near the end you were passing on the right and you can get a ticket for that.
When the CHP bike officer wrote me the ticket, he explained to me the rules.
1. Lane splitting is fine as long as you are going max 35 miles per hour.
2. You are not going more than 25 miles per hour faster than the cars.
3. NO passing on the right in the emergency lane area.

So if the cars are stopped, 25 mph is the limit and if they are moving at 10 mph you can go 35 mph while splitting. If the cars are moving at 30 mph you can still lane split at 35 mph.
I did not ask him about freeway splitting at speed I don't know what the rules are there.

I lane split every day between moving and stopped cars on the street. I just keep the speed down as I am coming to a red light anyway.

Nice video, you looked like your speed was proper during the lane splitting.:)

I received my gas cap mounted cam mount today so even tho the sky was grey, I decided to do a test video anyway. Just a quick trip down to Hermosa Beach and back up to Redondo Beach. Lots of lane splitting. I got the adjustable mount even though it was more expensive because I have an Aiptek GVS and the lens points up a tad and I needed to compensate for it. I can mount the cam back farther and maybe get the speedo and tach into the pic too.
[ame=]YouTube - Splitting Lanes.wmv[/ame]
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