Jury Duty - Opinion/Experience


Elite Member
Jury Duty does suck. When I turned 18 I registered to vote and did the selective service like you're suppose to..... wasn't 2 months later I was called.

and check your state law, here your employer HAS to pay you for your time minus the small amount the court pays you: you shouldn't have to burn your vacation time.

and forgot to mention how stupid the people are that you're forced to serve with.... at least it's that way here. And I have no patience for stupidity.
Try military life first, jury duty seems easy after that. Hurry up and wait, is a way of life. I got picked for a trial once, didn't mind it so much, but my employer paid for my time, so that makes things a little easier to take. I did have to give the employer the pay that I got while on jury duty, seemed fair enough.
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Seems we have it a bit different here in Aus.
I have done jury duty twice a while ago. I was paid $40 per day expenses & the law states that your employer must pay you while away, no matter how long the case takes.
Instead of blaming the court system, how about blaming the jacka$$es blatantly breaking the law AND then drag it through the court process through trials, litigation, appeals.....they're the ones really clogging it up. If these people would just take responsibility for their actions....You'd be amazed at how many cases the DA's just plead the criminals down to just to save court time.

Jury duty is for retired people and those not smart enough to get out of it! just kidding. :) Next time duty the selection process for a criminal case, just say, "I believe if the Police arrest someone, then they are guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and should go to jail..." The prosecutor would love you but the defense will make sure you head home!
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I served once and the case was not open and shut.... but, the company I work for pays me regardless. I am salaried there and get paid whether I am there or not. They are self-insured for short-term disability so I get six months of paid sick time that never touches my vacation. I certainly don't take advantage of it though..... too many and it could spell trouble. No issues with jury though.

Sorry you have the troubles that you did when this all took place. I can easily see how it leaves a sour taste in your mouth given what you've described.
First off, I live in California and second I don't get paid for jury duty and third, I am on call 24 7 and it takes weeks to get a day off because the coverage of my position takes a lot to do and training someone is a real pain.
So I lose a ton of $$ to go sit and be herded like cattle for a day.
What a waste of my time.....

So when I call into the automated registration I hit the button to indicate I am not a US Citizen and I get deleted from the Jury Duty.
The last time I went, I called a sidebar and told the Judge I was on pain killers for an external hemorroidectomy I got 3 days before. Nuff said...no one wanted me in there.

Let the retired people do it...
Not complaining, but I'd like to get the facts straight.
I'll make the assumption that you volunteered for the military and that you were not drafted.
You are correct, I volunteered for the Navy in 1970, why? because there was a draft and I preferred the Navy rather then going into the Army. I got some great training and became a propulsion engineer. Toughest nastiest job in the fleet, but worth it after I got out. I put that training to use and had a nice career.
Moreover, I assume the military paid you while you waited.
Right you are, $64 every 2 weeks while I was in training. Richard Nixon doubled my pay in 1971.......
In my opinion, the whole process should have taken a day, not a week.
Your right again, court takes a long time sometimes. They want to make it as fair as they can, so they will go out of their way to do so, that includes dragging out the process for as long as it takes.
I served my Jury Duty and did not mind it. It is our civic duty as an American. By the way I teach Government to high schoolers.
Couple of questiohs.

1) What questions did they ask to get on the jury.

2) What was the deliberations like.

3) How did you determine the verdict, was it a secret ballot.
