It's my money, who cares what it's for!


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Elite Member
That's crap. I really isn't any of their business. How is it for security if its your cash?

Sent while running with scissors.
Well obviously they don't want you to use your money to fund the terrorists... I'm sure that's what the new policy is about
I would check with another bank to see if they have the same policy, and if not, move all your accounts there.
This country, between the NSA privacy violations, IRS targeting, Obama over reach of executive authority, arming of Homeland Security to the teeth while pushing for domestic gun control, and now this, is turning into pre-World War II Germany...

It's not the Twilight Zone... It's what Obama meant by "fundamental change." It's what his supporters wanted... Now they got it...

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
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That's garbage. I would switch banks. Try looking for a reputable local bank chain in your area; mine has about 20-25 branches. I've been with them for nearly 15 years and never once had a problem... and I have/had checking, savings, mortgage, and multiple student loans with them. Plus, there isn't a whole new set of tellers each and every month like there was with the big bank I had to deal with while I was treasurer for an organization years ago. (They messed so many things up, so many times, I could start an entire new thread.) Customer service is 100x better too. I'd say about half the tellers recognize me, if they don't already know me by name. And if it's someone who's new or doesn't recognize me, their idea of "safety and security" is to ask for my ID!
I've heard of situations similar to this, but when dealing with higher amounts and/or frequency. One explanation that was given was they want to make sure you aren't caught up in a scam (there way of justifying it for your benefit).

One case, someone was paying cash for all their wedding costs. The bank actually froze the account until they gave an explanation.

Probably more common than you think.
I would check with another bank to see if they have the same policy, and if not, move all your accounts there.
This country, between the NSA privacy violations, IRS targeting, Obama over reach of executive authority, arming of Homeland Security to the teeth while pushing for domestic gun control, and now this, is turning into pre-World War II Germany...

It's not the Twilight Zone... It's what Obama meant by "fundamental change." It's what his supporters wanted... Now they got it...

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
and it's really hard to find a person who said they voted for Obama and this change...
and it's really hard to find a person who said they voted for Obama and this change...

I voted for obama... he's the best thing that ever happened to us. ACCEPT OBAMACARE AND ENJOY LIFE.. as long as you are not old, to young, have cancer, smoke, have to much sex, drink soda, eat mcdonalds to much, and all the other norm things, you won't have to die....

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Your bank swings both ways.

My bank is bi too.. Although, if it's a big name bank, others are right. Mise well leave. I banked at compass for over 7 years. and id say at least once a month the teller would always give me back more money than i needed. Sometimes i was in a hurry, sometimes i counted and handed it back. but if i was in a hurry and didn't count, without fail every time it happened, they would call me at like 9pm demanding i give back the money i stole. Granted, i would never keep it. but it's just banks like this that even put you in the position in the first place. My fault for not counting.. saying I stole it is a bit much though, considered ive had to bring it back multiple times. .... off topic. I hear state banks are always full of win!
My bank does the other way
If I deposit over 1k, they ask me if its a one time thing or a paycheck

That's because they want you to use direct deposit only because then they can higher less tellers...

My bank does the same thing.

"oh, you can set these up for direct deposit",
No, you ijit, I can't or I would have already done so... Do your damn job and put my money in my account!

As for them asking about what it's for when withdrawing. I can see that as a valid justification as I live in an area full of old farts that would be easy targets for that kind of stuff and often see stuff on the news about scams that people have gotten taken by.

And yeah, the bank did a lousy job of explaining themselves.
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...Or you could always buy into crazy conspiracy and put all your money under your mattress. :thumbup:

Actually, that's been true for a while about cash withdrawals... however, the limit was $10k, not $1k (which didn't include things such as writing a check for a car purchase, or down payment on a home, or any large check).

However, in a sense I *have* been putting my money "under my mattress." I've been converting cash to 1 and 5 oz. silver bars and storing them (not exactly under my mattress, but accessible to me). Reason: 1- gold/silver/platinum are the only forms of tender that haven't changed in centuries, nor become worthless due to currency/govt. collapses. 2- Silver has gained 25% in just the last couple of months. 3- I don't trust the powers that be, any longer, *not* to freeze accounts, put liens on them for Healthcare Exchange fees, or devalue the dollar purposefully to address the runaway deficit/debt (which will be good for property and asset holders). Even my IRA investment funds (I do keep some on Money Market accts.) are invested in metals, as well as international equities.

Just too many things going on that I never would have believed could happen, just five years ago... (the housing collapse was insanely predictable -- that balloon was so stretched it looked like Pamela Anderson after her fourth set of implants). But, with the current administration, all those "never happen" scenarios (IMHO) are on the table... If I'm totally off-base, no harm done -- still doing well with, and will keep, the silver. If I'm not so off base, well... like the Boy Scouts say...
If I'm ever asked this question, that will be my response. Actually, when my brother and I need to write each other checks occasionally, we always put stupid shit in the memo like "sexual favors," "hush money," "or monthly payment to the drug cartel." We also use a major bank and no one has ever said anything.

^^^ this black guy is funnnneh
