It's great when...

When you are waiting at a red light, and the guy on the GSXR on the other side of the intersection is flagging you down to give you a thumbs up.
When you are waiting at a red light, and the guy on the GSXR on the other side of the intersection is flagging you down to give you a thumbs up.

That is because he thought you were riding a Suzuki. That one headlight gets them every time.
When you stop at a light then two gsxr 600s pull next to you, lift visors, holy crap two hot girls!! They both blow you a kiss then leave you behind like you were in a pinto.. I was stunned!

When? Where? And did you get their numbers? :eek: Did you even try to follow them?

We need to start riding together and documenting our experiences!
-When you spent hours cleaning and waxing the bike to take it to a show and your simple low budget bike gets more attention than your dad's $18,000 Fatboy with chrome up the ass that's parked right next to you. :D I even had a number of people ask if they could sit on the bike that night to get their picture taken on it. :thumbup:

I guess when you're one of maybe 3 sportbikes that show up to a car/bike show and there's 50-70 blinged out Harleys, the lack of flash catches more people's attention. :cool:

I know exactly how you feel!
