If you don't live in FL, CA, TX

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I ride up until the snow comes in January. Put a pair of long johns on (I.e. thermal underwear) and a sweat shirt and I'm good to go.
I don't know, I ride dam near all year long. If I find the right tires I will be goiing all year. I kinda feel sorry for you guys who have nice weather all year... Kinda makes you weak when it comes to real riding.

I heard all summer about how some folks couldn't ride. It was raining.... boo hoo..... Lol! I beleive this week there were a few of those comments. I make my riding season....
I live in the middle of Alabama. I'll be able to ride basically year round too. So, ha.
Florida: +1 weather (except for right now), -1 Flat roads ft. no turns... :mad:
You forgot MS. I'll probably be still wearing my mesh jacket until January. Then I'll probably just throw a sweater under it :)

winter riding

Well well... I can ride on all the days it does not snow.
I just got myself some warm gear.... Just some Harley heated gloves from a guy on Craigslist. Looks and feels awesome... Am ready for winter in NJ !!! :)
