If you don't live in FL, CA, TX

Yeah, I just cant fathom having to store my bike for several months on end due to inclement weather. guess i cant complain about the higher gas prices we pay out here then...wait, yeah i can...

Well come winter, I will be sure to take some pics of some nice roads, while the sun is out, then I will toast or dedicate that ride and road to all you east coasters hunkered down at home. :D
I actually ride for fun, but I would agree, the smells, the way you feel refreshed, I don't get stressed in rain. I also dont push my bike hard, If I want speed my cage will give me more than my bike anyways. I enjoy riding in the colder weather because the bug kill count goes significantly down on the bike and helmet. lmao! It's actually nice to winter camping, especially off the bike. It is ALL about your gear. I am thinking I should have stayed on the Capanord some days. I think I have found some 80\20 tires and possibly some60\40 tires for the 6r though. I know it won't be the canyon carver some guys like but I am more towards an adv guy anyways.

I find most who ride for a hobby miss some of the finer or more enjoyable parts of riding. That is to not to say I don't enjoy canyon carving , or can't handle my bike, I just enjoy getting on my bike and pulling a map, randomly picking a destination, and making the route as I go. I plan a few that require more than a week of wheel time but other than that... lets go.
I moved to Texas, from Massachusetts, about 5 years ago. I didn't ride up North. I do appreciate the long riding season down here for sure.
Man up! Warm, Florida rain doesn't count. You should try the fine Seattle drizzle that will chill you right to the bone.

But I get your point. I too hate Californians, with their sandy beaches, nice weather and lane sharing...

See my post above. I'll take the Seattle drizzle any day of the week over the hot mess for weather they have here in the summer. I suggest you man up and wear some warmer clothes! ;):D:justkidding:

By the way, once the rain stops it isn't any better because the humidity goes through the roof and if you weren't wet from the rain already, you'll get soaked in sweat for the rest of the ride.
lol florida may not get to cold but you guys have two issues... all the rain... and really flat roads :p my uncle moved down there from va..

Yep, flat, straight roads too. Believe it or not, it actually does get somewhat cold in Northern Florida; down into the 20's sometimes. Not an everyday thing in the winter, but there are certainly those days!

I know, I know, all you guys up North are going to laugh at that and say it's nothing compared to the -20 w/wind chill, etc., but 20-something is still "cold"! Yes, I've lived up there too. You know, the area that gets so cold that any exposed skin would shatter like glass if someone flicked it with their finger? Yea, I've been there! ;)

The difference between Florida and Illinios is the Q-tip count. LOL!!

Flat roads? check
Gets random weather changes per hour? check
Glorified sand bar? oh crap.... nope. LOL!

I don't really care for florida in the summer, too humid, but I will say they do get the on off effect of a freakin fire hose for rain. But, that is the micro burst crap and doesn't stay for more than a few minutes.
