How often do you clean your bike?

For my bike being only 3 weeks old I do really need to detail it very bad but I commute on her so I don't have that much time to really wash it. Feel bad because she has been rained on a few times, but I at least wiped the chain down and lubed it a few times.
When my wife nags me to do it, even then its rare. When she starts prepping to do it herself then I'm obligated with guilt
Every single time when I go riding it gets cleaned. And if I'm going to a bike show or meet, I wipe it down again when I get there.
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I will wash the bike a couple times a season. I mainly use this Honda spray wax and polish (used it on the 6r as well). I can get the bike nice and show room shinny in about 10 minutes. :) Gets water spots off, bug guts, and is generally awesome stuff.
I am a porter at a car dealership so every time I go into work she gets a nice clean and wax

Can you take my bike one day and do that to mine? I'm near chicago lol
