How NOT to ride 2up

I also wonder how much riding experience the passenger has. I've seen riders going 2up through twisties pretty fast before. But that's only when the passenger knows how to ride too.

So I'm wondering if the rider "in his mind" was riding correctly but his actions were countered by the passengers. This isn't really coming out correctly, I'm lacking the correct terminology right now LOL. But some where along the line of "balance and counter balance".

Hope you all kinda understand where I'm going with this. If anyone can elaborate and articulate the words better please enlighten us LOL. :thumbup:
leaking air, damaged bike, head not in it, body not in it.... better hurry up and get home before tire goes flat.... :confused:

He also said he bent his rim...:banghead:
that's a beautiful, white 2010 R6... what a shame... =(

quiz: how many times does he say the F word in that video... LOL xP
I am certain that the rider has done this before and has the skills to keep up with the first rider as a solo rider on the R6. The problem first starts when he crosses the double yellow line and he misses the turn and drives short and into the rut. It appears the passenger was spooked at that point and did not lean into the right turn with him and without the bike responding he hit the obstacle.
Bikes initiate slower into corners when there is more weight o the rear end and he did not know how to compensate for the bikes changed handling. All he had to do was put his ego into his pocked and slow down. You cannot transition from one side to another in a chicane with a rider on the rear at that speed especially if the rider does not lean properly.

When 2 up, I ride much slower as it take longer to make transitional moves and I am only concerned with getting from point A to point B when a passenger is pushing down on my rear shock in a turn. The fool just needed to slow down and not try to keep up with the other rider and all would have been OK.

Out of shape on the turns causing the double yellow line incursion and then late into the next turn which he compensated for by entering early and into the ditch and then exiting late and vertical into the crash. It was a series of errors that brought him to his knees literally....a 5mph drop in speed would have saved him all the cost and pain.
I am certain that the rider has done this before and has the skills to keep up with the first rider as a solo rider on the R6. The problem first starts when he crosses the double yellow line and he misses the turn and drives short and into the rut.

If he had/has "skills", he wouldn't have crossed the yellow line to begin with. The dude got behind and never slowed down to catch back up.

She should have kicked him instead of slapping him...dumbass...
wow, that looked painful. i admit i laughed when his buddy said dude are you okay? haha, like really? im laying on back swearing like an angry 5th grader, and cant stand up, im just fine you moron! haha. but i feel bad for the passenger, she took it like a champ though. im surprised how easily she got up. i know if that was my gf on the back of the bike the real pain would have started when she got up, not from the accident.:(
He was screwed the second he went into that turn. Way to fast for two-up. I rode with a guy one time that had his GF with him and was riding like that. This was the result:
[ame=]YouTube - Offroading.M4V[/ame]

What you don't see is the fact that they were crazy lucky and never put the bike down. That is why I never stopped. They came out of the field and waved me to keep going. I was scared and I didn't even wreck!
Glad the dude made it out alright in both of those videos...but damn why he put his foot down on that turn? I ride pretty slow and safe with I 2up with my wife.
wow. does he not know when you have a passenger everything changes?? weight doubles, your turns on curves, break distance... this guy is insane.
I guessing the foot thing was just a reaction. Not a good one but a reaction none the less. I could see even more injuries coming from putting your foot out like that.
What a dumbass. Period.

If you think this guy didnt deserve what he got take a look at some of the other assclown videos on his channel.

The amazing thing is not that he crashed...its that a jackoff like that can actually get laid:cool:

The guy that crashed with that female on his back still claims she rides with him:eek::banghead:

If I was that girl, that would have been the last time I consider riding 2up with anyone and start thinking about getting my own bike to ride:iconbeer:
