Headlight For Sale


New Member
Short, Sweet and to the point.

My headlight is for sale. Bi-xenon Projector Retrofit with Blue Angel Eye

Excludes Shipping
The Catch - You need to send me your stock one back

PM me for details

Tried 3 times to post pictures, but it kept saying it was unavailable. I posted them on the FB page - otherwise post ur email and ill send them to you. Will also try uploading again later:cool:


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Seems like a great deal for someone... Who did the retro? Any issues? Everything that requires it to work will be supplied?
It was worked like a CHARM! I saw such a difference from stock to this headlight. Everything included. Just stick it in, plug it in and your done! I think it look me like an hour and there is a great walkthrough on the forum somewhere
ha ha marthy. Matt and I actually took my stock one out and installed this one, used the walkthrough, went really well. Then the next morning i rode out to the Auto Train and went to NJ ;)
I'm sure, but then that requires cutting the glass off again and swapping it.
The cost will probably bring it more in line w/ just getting mine done.

Definitely can't afford it until I'm working again.
Nismo - its the whole kit - hell its the whole headlight, I unplug everything un screw the headlight and give it to you (for your stock one of course) the only thing you don't get is the screws (cuz you have ur own) and the giant plug that goes in the back...cuz its attached to ur bike ;)

Esrtek - you dont cut the class, you heat up the case and open it (oven) but I didnt want to do all that which is why i bought this one when i did like....2 years ago? But yes, ud have to do all that again to change out the color - though it is a service that chad offers. Sorry - selling this one with blue - wishing it was red won't help much ;) lolol
Taking the bike to the dealership to sell this Friday. Last chance for the headlight.

$100 (plus $15 for shipping) and your stock headlight.
good luck, I hope you get every penny and then some for the bike.
Nope - they are basically stealing it for the price they are getting for it...but thats what happening with most of the FZ6R sales....ppl are getting lucky if they are getting good offers :)

Nope - they are basically stealing it for the price they are getting for it...but thats what happening with most of the FZ6R sales....ppl are getting lucky if they are getting good offers :)

That sucks, when I sold my bike to the dealer I only lost a little bit but then again the dealer had a buyer lined up.

Try a different dealer?
