have you ever caught air?


just wondering if anyone else has caught a bit of air on a sweet little dip. :wreck:
I have gotten that "stomach into your throat" feeling from like an elevation change, you know what of those real harsh quick dips.....but I dont think I have ever caught air. I cant imagine the sensation that would give the body at higher speeds.
theres a dip on HWY 94 and another once you get on to Coronado after the bridge that i always seem to catch some. Its awesome and nerve racking because when you come down the handle bars wobble a bit. Stay loose and your fine :)
Not both wheels. Just the front has come up on a dip without me trying. It is a different feeling for sure.
Very nice!!
Yea. There is a road near me nicknamed, Stairway to Heaven". Think of a rhythm section that is paved going up the side of a mountain. Needless to say you can do about 5-10 over the speed limit and get good air. The speed limit will get the entire bike up around 4-5" off the ground twice and the front end up a lot more. Can be fun be you really need to make sure you keep the bike straight, especially since the FZ6R does not have a steering stabilizer.
yes! many times. There's a road nearby me that has this crazy little bridge that goes over a small creek, the incline on it is insane. You literally could dukes of hazzard it.
hmmm i wonder if i should try to get some air on the way back from work....
you mean to tell me you guys dont bunny hop all the time?

My rule is to keep at least ONE wheel on the ground at a time. :D
I've had the front come up but I don't plan to let the rear come off. The 6R is NOT a lightweight dirt bike designed to come off the ground. I've had dirt bikes way off the ground, a car and a jeep (in reverse, funny story) in the air, but plan to keep at least one wheel of my 6R on the ground at all times.
A jeep in reverse huh songs like a good one

Ive caught like 4in or so of air on my 6r.... needless to say our ibkes arent made for jumping =D
