Got my new job, confirmed!


New Member

Not all is bad for me (some of you maybe know already my new bike was totaled with only 600 miles on it)

Anyway ... I left HP after working there for about 9 years. A company called me two weeks ago, while I was on vacation and I applied for a new job. Two days later they called me saying they want me in!

I have nothing bad to say about HP, it was actually a good experience overall, but I do not feel I am learning new stuff and the workload is insane, plus I was dealing with different time zones. My mind was always at work, even weekends.

I was waiting for the background check. I knew was going to be clean but took longer than expected. After giving formal two weeks notice to HP (two weeks ago) and without the official report, the day becomes loooong to me. But HR, new company, just confirmed!


Now I just need to be patient for the settlement to be confirmed (bike accident) and I will be back on track.
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CONGRATS!~!!! Good job. :thumbup:
Congratulations!!! That is great news!! Hopefully you enjoy the change and learn lots of new things!!
Congratulations on the new direction!

I left HP 7 years ago... Too much of a culture change over the couple of decades I was there (in the wrong direction). Good luck wherever it is you landed --
Congratulations on the new direction!

I left HP 7 years ago... Too much of a culture change over the couple of decades I was there (in the wrong direction). Good luck wherever it is you landed --

Agree, especially in some departments. But It's not everywhere, however, we do have too much red tape in some business units and poor management as well. It's not easy to manage a company like HP, it's the biggest IT company in the world. To give you an idea, so big that I use to test or give advices to Microsoft about how their MSSQL product really works in real life. 1TB SQL databases :D

My commute was 3 miles, but with all the stress, time zone issues and workload, my mind wasn't resting at all, not even weekends. It does not worth it. I want money so I can enjoy it with wife and family. If I'm always busy or stress out , I can't accomplish that.

Anyway, I learned a lot, not only technical but as a person. It was a nice experience, though. I know way too much about corporate environment. I'm not the "nice" kid that started in HP 9 years ago, lol. I know the "politically correctness" answers and the actual modus operandi of big companies like HP.
what bike you gonna get when your check comes from the settlement

isn't that another thread? hahahahahaha...

You know what? just knowing now how difficult get parts for Triumph is, I am rethinking about fz6r. However, the Street Triple is my dream bike. It just handles awesome.

I may get the same one. Maybe white? don't know. I actually going to dealer today to get the free accessories, which arrived yesterday: fly screen, belly pan, radiator cowl. Isn't that sad :( ... didn't have the chance to install those .
congrats on the new job man! i know watcha mean by heavy work load and always thinking about it, I only did 3.5yrs with MS and in the end when the tech stocks took their dive and stock options weren't worth anything, just didn't seem like being paid enough for all the stress
I could be wrong, but Kawi have completely redesigned the Ninja 250 in 2007-2008.



The 07, was the old design. The 09, was the 1st release of new model. Among others, Kawi changed suspension , brakes, and of course, appearance. Gear box was smother as well.

Awesome 1st bike. As a matter of fact, I miss it. Very nimble. But is too light for highway and low ot no power at lower rpms, which is good for learning though.

Ohhh, and carburetor, by the way ... lol ...

Anyway, back to topic. I'll have to commute with car now, until I get settlement and wife's permission to ride again, hahahahaha ...
From Wikipedia

engine's compression and maximum torque have been lowered to provide better midrange performance. The redesign of the engine resulted in improvements in engine response at low engine speeds, and making the bike smoother and "much easier to ride."[11] Though the previous generation Ninja 250 had a peak power advantage of 1 to 5 hp (0.75 to 3.7 kW),[7][12][13] the new version's 20 or 30 percent increase in mid-range power allows the bike to pull from 3,000*rpm where previously it had to be revved to 4,000*rpm

But trust me, was not a fast bike anyway, the 09 version I mean, or fourth generation Ninja.

But do no get confuse with the word "pull" here, hahahahaha, no way to compare against the Yamaha or even a Street Triple.
JO: I understand your situation. Years ago, I wanted to go to law school. I had a wife, a son, and a mortgage. I did not have 60 grand laying around for tuition. On top of that, I had a wife that was holding me down and did not want me to succeed in anything. I did some research, spoke to some people, then decided that I would attend Paralegal school, and hustle a cerification as a Legal Assistant. Nobody told me that a Paralegal was nothing more than a glorified legal secretary. I proceeded full steam ahead, even finishing my intership working for a Federal Judge and at the University, working in the Student Legal Counseling Service office. I worked for Legal Services helping the poor for seven years. I was one of the poor. It was a great job but paid no money. An opening came up at the Federal Court of Appeal in New Orleans. I applied for the job, along with over a hundred other people. I was surprised that I got the job. One of the last questions that I was asked in the interview was, "how would I feel about working with 12 women"? I said no problem. I never knew what it was going to be like at the time. Have you ever worked with 12 women? It's an ocean of hormones. One of my co-workers laughs like a mental patient while another next to her cries about every little thing. I really like my job. I seem to get the most done after they are gone. Good luck with your future. I am 59 years old, so my career will be over in a few. Then I will be the one sitting in my glider, looking at all people going to work, and I will be laughing like my mental patient co-worker.......Joe

Oh, by the way, the wife that did not want me to succeed in anything. I replaced her.
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