GIpro X-type Gear Indicator Custom Mounted

No worries JT, we were just messing with ya... Sounds like you had a rough day. I was just bored. LOL! :D

pretty much, I've just not been wanting to do my calculus work the last couple nights. I have to get into it hard today though. I need to finish 2 sections of work along with some extra credit stuff.

If I can finish that all today I can then start on my notes for another class that I have to give a presentation in and then write my other presentation for the history class. Nothing like 2 presentations in the beginning of the week. lol. Yipee....
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As promised here are a few pics. I could not find a blatantly obvious connection not matching wire colors on existing connectors. Electrical systems are sensitive so I don't want do trial and error i need to research this a bit more and find instructions for other brands or a wiring diagram for our bike ect. Anybody have any leads?

:cheer: hey, we have some images. :cheer:

Even if they are blurry, lol. Just messing around...

Okay, so how long is that set of wires coming off of it?

Seems like it should be a lot longer.

Also don't we have a few people on here that have the other unit? they should be able to scan their instructions and post them.
Electrical systems are sensitive so I don't want do trial and error i need to research this a bit more and find instructions for other brands or a wiring diagram for our bike ect. Anybody have any leads?

Here is from the eBay description:

Black --- power "+"
Red --- 1 Stall
Dark Blue --- 2 Stall
Light Blue --- 3 Stall
Yellow --- 4 Stall
Green --- 5 Stall
Orange --- 0 Stall

I'm going to look at the wiring of other gear indicators to see what those leads actually connect to...
So the eBay indicator has been tried before by an R6 forum member, here's the thread.

They contacted the seller for install instructions. Here's how that went:
I asked the seller how it works and how it compares to the more expesive gear indicators out there, and this is the response i got

If your motorcycle is a 6 stall gear. It can support. :)
In fact, its installation is very simple. :)
You just need to, according to (7 different colors of cables). Connect 6 different stalls and a power supply. :)

Red white --- power "+"
Green --- 0 Stall (shown: yellow N)
Brownish yellow --- 1 Stall
Black Green --- 2 Stall
Green Blue --- 3 Stall
Yellow and blue --- 4 Stall
Reddish brown --- 5 Stall

If you are still unclear. I suggest you ask your local motorcycle modification and maintenance departments. :)
I think they definitely know. :)
thank you. :)

What does he mean by 6 stall, and connecting one wire per stall? I assume the power supply needs to be run to the battery somehow. He also threw way too many smileys in there...just throwing that out there. I mean if thisll still work then hey why not get it

At you're making progress, it's just not helping us. LMFAO!!!!! I've been researching this on the net and other gear indicators in between working on my paper. More research than homework at this point.
I'm in the same boat as you, I tried to do some research on it for the last couple hours and didn't really turn up that much. It's all vague information that really doesn't help worth a damn. I even tried to search for he same kind of topics for other bikes that are similar and nothing really gives a lot of info on them.

It seems that this cheap version is much like the other general ones but I can't seem to find an instruction sheet on anything as to what wires they need to be connected to. You'd think they would provide a little better information as to what's what with these.

I mean damn, I know it's a knock off product but they could of at least copied the original product's instructions and then just changed the name at the top.... That's all they did with the product, just copied the product and left the name off the product, lol.
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