fz6r down....

Front brake is a hidden, insidious culprit. Buy a lower bike, someday when she isn't so spooked anymore.

BTW, you can become quite injured on a bike that isn't moving.
I wanted her on a 250 but she assured me she would be fine handling the bike and with her boots on she could flat foot pretty well, I have a lowering link for it so when it becomes hers it was going to be put in. I wish she would have went with my idea of getting her a 250, but now shes considering that idea much more heavily.
Sorry to hear about the mishap! Glad your wife is okay. Remember the bike has no feelings but your wife does! Be with her and comfort her cuz she's number one on the list. Have the bike looked at when you have a chance.
Ack! Sorry to hear about the mishap, but good to hear your wife is ok. The FZ6R is a heavy bike for beginners, unfortunately. Double difficult for girls maybe...

Everyone here already provided good advice. So, take good care of the wifey & get the bike checked out.

When I got knocked over from behind, I had some coolant leakage too. It ended up being nothing but overflow... All of the damage was cosmetic- ie plastics, mirrors, turn signals, pegs, bar ends, and sliders...

My guess is the bike is fine and just needs some parts replaced.
A #1, the wife is alright. Think we all can agree there that's all that matters. Sux about the bike.

Word of advice, whatever the damage is, tell her it's half as bad. No big deal, fix it behind her back, whatever. She sounds spooked as hell. No offense to the ladies here on the board, but that is very much a common "ladies" response for a lot of women, "I'm never riding again." Your job is to make her a lot less spooked.

I can tell you this, if it were my wife, she'd say the exact same thing. So the next day or two is critical...what you say to her and how she feels about this incident will have a profound impact on her willingness to ride in the future. Keep that in mind.

Best of luck with the inspection, just glad she's OK.

Well put sir! :thumbup:
Again CC, we are here for ya brother! Tell your wife were all glad that she's ok :) Send some pics too... (of the bike, not your wife! Well unless you want to hehe ;)
The coolant is just off a breather hose on the right side of the bike. It's pretty standard when the bike falls over.
ill post pictures in the morning but so far here is what I can tell:

Bike shakes in the front end
Dent on left side of the tank
bar ends on both sides need replaced
needs new frame sliders
both brank and clutch levers need replaced
shifter bar is bent
something in the front end feels light
front fender need headlight broken
Overall the feel of the bike is off....
she dropped it and in turning around to go back home it dumped on the other side of the crown. Idk...every time ive talked to her shes been crying and can barely make sense of the story.
the worse part is im 22 and I cant claim it on insurance or it will skyrocket. The bike feels like it was raped...it doesnt drive right.
When I first started riding my Ninja 250, I was practicing in a parking lot and dropped it when just coming to a stop. I felt so stupid, dumb, etc. Hubby RAN up to me to get the bike off the ground once I got up, and I think that made me panic even more....I was ok, a little scrape on the the knee. Let her know it happens to everyone, it's not a matter of if it happens, it's when. The next year I dropped it in the parking lot after getting to work - I didn't put the kickstand down all the way and boom. It pretty much came down on my ankle and it hurt for a year. Alot of downs happen at super low speed....like stopped! My hubby dropped his years ago at a gas station, just talking to people, got off the bike and down it went. Brain fade, not concentrating, stuff happens easy! Stupid stuff like that happens and it's hard to get over the oops'es in life, but chalk it up to experience and she will learn from her mistake, guaranteed. I hope she doesn't get discouraged. I was certainly thinking of not riding again after dropping it, thinking it just wasn't for me, but it was the fact I already invested so much time and money into it (getting the bike, the gear, the training, the license). That's what made me keep going LOL.

But you have to understand you can't force someone to like it, but I don't know how much actual riding she has under her belt. I'll admit if you seem like having the bike dropped is not a big deal, it will help her feel better, but if that bike don't ride right, she has some serious dropping skillz! Makes me wonder how durable a dropped 6R is compared to a 250. ;) It took me 3 years perservering through crap that I finally got it - I finally got what it is to ride. It happened when I got the 6R. It's better to ride fearful, than be cocky, but having nothing but fear when being on a bike is a bad idea.
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God Josh I just don't know what to say that has not already been said. Give you Honey lots of love,,hugs and encouragement. If she went this far to get her licence she will get over this,,,it will take some time though. Yes probably a 250 Ninja/Honda is a good bike for her.
Not necessarily. It is different than insuring a car. Insurance knows something on two wheels is probably going over at some point. You should talk to them and see what they have to say about it. Rates can't go up just for discussing what happened and what your alternatives are.

On a side note about my recommendation on a public parking lot. That should have been priority over handing her the keys and leaving. You live and learn bro, you just have to handle her situation delicately.

shes driven multiple times in a public parking lot. Just the other day we spent a few hours doing the funamentals in the parking lot. Yesterday was just her proud day of saying im ready and I wanna do this.:surrender: lol
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