Fox News Airs Live Suicide After Car Chase


New Member
Watched it live on tv too.....5 second network delay wasnt enough

pretty hardcore....its all over youtube too

Sad to see someone take their own life.


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I'm movin on
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New Member
Sad when the only perceived alternative is suicide...

As for the video, Smith made an obvious attempt seconds in advance to cut it, once the guy's intentions became obvious...

However, for the inevitable flood of Fox-flamers to follow, that was about as antiseptic a live suicide as there could have been: shot from an appreciable distance, barely able to make out what the guy was doing, no sensationalistic arterial spray, and he just slumped over...

It's certainly not my intention to minimize the act, but, Hollywood floods a hella lot worse visuals into everyone's living rooms every night, in sickeningly, close-up, graphic detail, and realism, and no one seems to have a problem with that...
The argument is: "but, that's not REAL." What difference, if it accurately portrays what we know goes on daily around the world?

Anyway... back to you, Chet...


Premium Member


Well-Known Member
Watched it live on tv too.....5 second network delay wasnt enough

pretty hardcore....its all over youtube too

Sad to see someone take their own life.

They had no delay most likely, that or the switch operator along with the director were incompetent and not watching let alone listening to the anchor. Even though Fox loves gore and going far in that road, this is a little much even for them.

We've watched the live version a few times in a few of my broadcasting classes showing why we need a delay, that live news should not ever actually be live.

It's certainly not my intention to minimize the act, but, Hollywood floods a hella lot worse visuals into everyone's living rooms every night, in sickeningly, close-up, graphic detail, and realism, and no one seems to have a problem with that...
The argument is: "but, that's not REAL." What difference, if it accurately portrays what we know goes on daily around the world?
That's exactly why, movies and shows are not "real" and this was real life. Although we can watch someone's chest cavity explode in a movie, it isn't socially acceptable in our current society to watch actual people die on television, no matter how you look at it.

All that being said, the anchor did a great job handling himself along with what happened and talking and apologizing for what the audience had to witness
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Monster Member
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New Member
I know it sad but the image is not graphic at all.

IMO if he was being chased by the police for wherever reason, it's good that he is gone. Natural Selection.

A while ago in Brazil a criminal was making a girl hostage with a grenade on the street. TV was filming the cops negotiating with the guy when the girl feels sick and fell down, the sniper shot him on the head on live TV, was so fast that the 5 seconds delay didn't work. Society reaction to the video. Everybody LOVED it. On less scam bag low life criminal on the street.

IF anybody wants to see, here is the link. It's no graphic at all but is STRONG.

LINK REMOVED - Not needed here - jspansel
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New Member
haha that's awesome, love how it knocks the hat off the guy!!

agree on all counts, either take these guys out or no problem seeing them do it to themselves, one less person our taxes have to pay for when they end up in prison sooner or later


New Member
haha that's awesome, love how it knocks the hat off the guy!!

agree on all counts, either take these guys out or no problem seeing them do it to themselves, one less person our taxes have to pay for when they end up in prison sooner or later

Just watching again, on the very end when cops are surrounding the body, one f the fist pumps in JOY. :)


New Member
I'm hoping this is what happens to the guy who stole my bike. If your life is that pathetic that you have to steal bikes from people who work hard for them in order to support your drug habit or something then I say to hell with you. I'll even donate the bullet.
