For sale: Juicebox Pro


World Most Bad A$$ 6R
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World Most Bad A$$ 6R
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Money Sent, Thanks!

Now someone please sell me thier exhaust!

I have heard through the grapevine... some dude named Marthy (I think thats it) makes something mean of an exhaust. I'll have to research who he is and try and find him in this forum. He is pretty well known and may not mingle with us peons anymore since he got famous. Maybe we will get lucky and he will bless us with his excellence..



New Member
Yes Marthy, your reputation precedes you. I've spent far too many hours scouring the deep recesses of this forum and have seen your name mentioned many times.

I tend to overanalyze things and have lots more reading before I pull the trigger on an exhaust. That and I already need to explain to my wife why modifications are showing up before the bike does, LOL. I'm sure I won't make it long before I want more noise.


World Most Bad A$$ 6R
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dang! I wish I had my bike for another week, I could've sold you my marthy exhaust and traded you for stock+cash.
