fastest you've had your fz6r

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I have an 06 FZ6, its stock except for a puig touring screen. Mine topped out at 158 according to the speedo. Pretty good with me being 6'3" and 224lbs. Of course I know that the faster you go the further off the speedo is.


130 on i595 the night I got it. I wanted to test how different it was from my 1992 Suzuki GS500e that takes forever to reach 90 and doesn't go over 100. I wasn't disappointed, I barely moved the throttle and it could have gone a lot faster if I kept it going. I never went faster than 90 afterward but that's surely because I didn't get a chance to ride it on a clear highway again. I only weight 130lbs and the acceleration/noise is amazing. It's hard not to fly away when I go 0-60/80 in a few seconds.


142mph on a nice straight open highway in the middle of the night leaving my girlfriends house. It's about 20 miles back to my place and there are spots where you can just really open up. It's weird though. I usually stay between 80-120 when I leave her house (once I am on the interstate) and the other night there was NO ONE out and I was coming down a long slope where you can see for almost a mile and there are street lights.

I hit 132mph at 10000 rpm and she just wouldn't go anymore? I mean I sat there with plenty of room, throttle wide open, no head wind or anything. It was weird. Now, I am about 280lbs. Yea a good 60-70 pounds of that is pure fat that I need to lose but I do have a large frame. A broad chest works as a good brake for when you see the police :). Just sit up and let off the throttle.

I would love to get on a track and see what she could do.


I have not been on the forums in a while. I just went to the Yamaha website to see the FZ6r. Those things are sweet!!! I mean the lack of horsepower sucks but it would have been a lot better of a first motorcycle than my 07 FZ6 that I wrecked 4 months after buying my first motorcycle.

These look like they would be a great beginner bike- hell they look like a fun bike period!!! I mean who needs to go 140+mph on the freeway anyway. It is fun every once and a while.

Please post some pics!!!!!


New Member
100 more speeding.


New Member
Well in that case.....147fps.


New Member
After reading so many articles, forum posts, blogs, that the FZ6R is for girls, I was curious to why so many haters out there. On my way home from work one day, I guess I just couldn't take all the negative posts so I tried to see how fast I could go (yes, not the smartest). I looked down and I was at 80mph in no time. Looked down the 2nd time, I'm at 111mph. I would've taken it faster, but reality hit and the thought of a ticket made me ease up. At 111, it felt like I had so much more power to use. I really think that 130+mph is doable with this ride!


New Member
75 so far, still in break in. I guess I'll have to wait.:confused:


New Member
Well I just upped my top speed. Currently 108 mph. Found a pretty sweet road that was just repaved and no traffic. I'm feeling top speed later :)


New Member
I've gotten to 110 mph or so, but only when passing some dufoid taking up space on the freeway. I slow it up right away, though. Over 100 will get me impounded and a mean scolding from hubby.


I got mine up to 131 in 6th gear. Granted it was like 6 am on a empty straight freeway.


New Member
63mph in a 45. pretty much my 3rd day of riding the bike. the first day was like 10min. the 2nd day was 2 hours twice in 1 day. The 3rd day was 5 hours.

Girls bike? I thought girls rode 250cc ? Did I make a bad choice?


New Member
63mph in a 45. pretty much my 3rd day of riding the bike. the first day was like 10min. the 2nd day was 2 hours twice in 1 day. The 3rd day was 5 hours.

Girls bike? I thought girls rode 250cc ? Did I make a bad choice?

not a bad choice but your going to get tired of it fast in my opinion i wish i wouldve got a fz1 now that ive rode mine balls to the wall i need alot more power but thats just me


New Member
155 chasing an 800 hp porsche gemballa!!!
OHHHH,,, and the worst is that it felt slow since he put 6th gear and left me behind like if I was on a scooter.....He got up to 205 mph!!
that`s fast!!!

He may be fast at the end, but you had him for the first 500 feet, right?!?! :)


New Member
not a bad choice but your going to get tired of it fast in my opinion i wish i wouldve got a fz1 now that ive rode mine balls to the wall i need alot more power but thats just me

Well its my first bike, and I am still on my permit. The MSF class I have scheduled for this weekend. For now it seems good. Already got 96 miles under my belt. I am however sure you are right i'll need to upgrade to a 1000cc later. But for now the 600cc will be good enough till I get that 3 years under my belt and the bike paid off. :thumbup: I finally got my bike up to 63mph and cruising around town seems fine.

Which reminds me, how much did you guys pay for your bikes? I paid something like 8100 out the door, and that was after tax and licensing.


New Member
not a bad choice but your going to get tired of it fast in my opinion i wish i wouldve got a fz1 now that ive rode mine balls to the wall i need alot more power but thats just me

Do you mind my asking, is this your 1st bike and how old ya are? I'm 46 (until about a week from now), have had numerous duals and cruisers through the years. Though this is less than half the cc's of my last bike (VTX1300) it's lots quicker and more fun and seems to be enough for some 2-up riding (not across the U.S. 2-up but day trips). If ya want to race people,do lots of stunts (like the idiots who pull wheelies on the freeways with traffic at 90mph) or want a more long tour bike than no this isn't the bike for you. Really how fast do you need to go on a bike?


two up is no problem...
I've HEARD of a guy who weighs about 290lbs taking his friend 250lbs up to 115mph...
So I've heard... I'm not 100% sure about the rev's, but I'll have to ask, next time I see him...


New Member
Oh I've done 2-up on mine and it is no problem, just saying don't think a pillion would like 12 hour days more than a day or two on it. It's not a FJR or 'Wing. For a solo tourer I think with a good set up I'd go cross the country no problem.
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