Failed skills test


New Member
Went and took my skills test today and unfortunately failed. Put a foot down which is a auto DQ. Anyone else have a hard time with the Ca skills test on their 6r. Seems like the test was made for much smaller bikes.

Sent from the second bathroom stall to the left.


Lot of Class, Mostly Low
Elite Member


New Member
It will be virtually impossible to pass the skills test on a 6R without tons of practice and probably dropping the bike a few times along the way.

Either find a much smaller bike, or take the MSF course instead. In my area, lots of scooters and small bikes available for rent for the test.

Don't know where I can rent a smaller bike. Ill look into it. And msf is a no go due to work schedule. It's just a pain. 4 months of riding with no issues and one damn circles keeping me from a m endorsement.

Sent from the second bathroom stall to the left.


Lot of Class, Mostly Low
Elite Member


I'm movin on
Elite Member


New Member
and if you have any form of Paid time off, or ability to make up the time, do it and take the MSF course...its something thats worth it and in some places mandatory so if it means rearranging things to get it done, then you know what you gotta do :)


New Member
It will be virtually impossible to pass the skills test on a 6R without tons of practice and probably dropping the bike a few times along the way.

Either find a much smaller bike, or take the MSF course instead. In my area, lots of scooters and small bikes available for rent for the test.

Why do you say it's virtually impossible? What does California do that is so extreme?


I'm movin on
Elite Member


New Member
Don't think he said CA specific. I wouldn't personally have taken the 6R to take the test either but I did the MSF.

He, and the OP, list their location as California. I was just assuming. The 6r was my first bike and I rode it maybe 200 miles or so before going to take my test. Passed it the first try.

I'm not trying to toot my horn, as I've seen others on here with similar stories as me. I was just curious if CA makes you do some crazy things, after all, it is CA. ;)


Hey bud, use your rear brakes only when doing circles. and lots of steady throttle slow and steady


New Member
Yes it's California. And for those who haven't seen it here is the skills test layout.ImageUploadedByTapatalk1377011618.470489.jpg
In Ca you have a slow ride and serpentine ride. The circle which you go around 2x on both rides it fairly tight and you are riding at about walking speed. Clutch out with no throttle is to fast. Did the serpentine and one time around the circle. Half way on the second time around I was going a bit to slow so I let the clutch out a bit, mind you I'm riding the brake the whole time to keep speed down, when I pulled the clutch back in some it went a bit to far. No power + riding brake = foot down to stop tipping and instant fail.

Guy on a gsx600 went before me had the same thing happen. I was the 4th test that morning and all had failed out the gate. Ill have to try again but don't know when I can get another appointment.

Sent from the second bathroom stall to the left.


New Member
Hey bud, use your rear brakes only when doing circles. and lots of steady throttle slow and steady

After talking to another rider he thinks that was my problem. I was using the front when I should have been on the rear. Ill have plenty of time to practice as it looks to be a month before available appointment.

Sent from the second bathroom stall to the left.


New Member
If there is a certain skill that you are having trouble with, go to a parking lot and just practice. You will be more prepared for your next test.

It's just a slow circle ride that sucks. I think it's more frustrating than anything else. I've been riding for 4 months now without one problem. I know not much but still. I mean hell I'm a truck driver with 3/4 a million driven miles and I'm getting my *** kicked by a circle:) lol. Luckily I've got plenty of time left on my permit.

Sent from the second bathroom stall to the left.


yeah man, practice using that rear brake and youll being doing cirlces around that skills test, Literally!


New Member
slow circle is kind of a pain but what i found that helped is riding your back brake a bit and don't use your front. the front brake makes you dip a little too much and throws you off balance. ride the back brake a little and just be good with the clutch and throttle control. practice in a parking lot at night and youll get the hang of it


New Member
CA test

The CA test is not a very good one in my opinion. While it does demonstrate good bike control and very very slow speeds it more demonstrates what type of bike you brought. I did mine on my 650 cruiser and that was about as big a bike as I would have liked to have done. Like everyone else said I went to the DMV on Saturdays and after 5 to practice since they have the circle painted in the parking lot. after about 4 or 5 trips I had it no problem. Of course when I went to take the test my bike decided to start stalling for the first time ever and went dead halfway through circle #2. Luckily the guy could see I could ride and it was the bike so he let me do it over, on the second round I was reving the engine like a maniac the whole way around to make sure it didn't stall and passed no problem.


New Member
slow circle is kind of a pain but what i found that helped is riding your back brake a bit and don't use your front. the front brake makes you dip a little too much and throws you off balance. ride the back brake a little and just be good with the clutch and throttle control. practice in a parking lot at night and youll get the hang of it

The one thing with these circles is using throttle is out of the question. Not sure about other bikes but with no throttle just clutch out on flat ground my bike is reading 7mph. Which is to fast for the circles.

Sent from the second bathroom stall to the left.


New Member
The CA test is not a very good one in my opinion. While it does demonstrate good bike control and very very slow speeds it more demonstrates what type of bike you brought. I did mine on my 650 cruiser and that was about as big a bike as I would have liked to have done.

Wish it was mor of a road test. Something useful. And everyone's told me cruisers do better at this test. With the 6r it wasn't so much the power but it felt like your so slow and only turning with the bars that your balance is really off.

Sent from the second bathroom stall to the left.
