Evil people...


New Member
I was recently invited to attend a big motor sports show, with cars, bikes, atv's and anything that runs on a motor.

I took my bike out to give it a thorough cleaning and detailing, as it was dusty and dirty from a few rides. I had stored my race quad, and my show bike in my race trailer, at a former racer's home. I was away for about a week in December, and my racer was allowed access to my race trailer and equipment while I was away.

Upon my return, he told me that he was starting his own race team, and chose to leave the team. I noticed that I had about 30k in atv race equipment and parts missing. I contacted the local law enforcement agency, who advised me that it was a civil situation, and they could not get involved. I managed to recover about 10k in equipment back, calling the rest a loss.

Upon cleaning my show bike, this is what I found. The cuts are all the way into the plastic, and into the metal on the NOS bottle. It will have to be entirely redone. I have insurance, but the insurance company stated they will probably drop me after the claim. (Mind you, no tickets ever, no wrecks ever, no claims, ever)

Now, we can all say that we want to go beat them, but realistically, since I called the police, they would just charge me.

No more show bike for me, no money to fix it, and I am devastated. Physically ill. I hope they are happy, and karma comes back around to them.



What f**king assholes.. wth would someone do this to someone elses things.. I'm so sorry that this happened to you..
OMG I'm sick just looking at the pics
:(:( I feel so bad for you! Sorry this happened.

You mean you know the arsehole that did this? Well i'm wishing nothing but
sh*&ty kharma his way!!!!!

Rotten Bast#$d!!!!!

Man I hate when ppl do crap like that!
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File a civil suit against him. The property was under his care and this is obviously vandalism. Very sorry to hear this. Take his ass to court.
Yes, I know them. It was not some random act of vandalism. They specifically targeted anything that said Team Trigger Racing, and they vandalized my race quad too. It was a former racer, who was upset that I did not sponsor 2 of his employees who rode dirt bikes. Of course, they deny it, and the police say I cannot prove it was them, because I did not SEE them do it.

I know I should not be upset about material items, and be grateful to be alive, which I am. But I am one of the most respectful, honest, and giving people there is. I would give you the shirt off my back, and I did so much for them, allowing them to reach their dream of racing, and this is how I got treated in return.... F people....
Man I am sorry to hear about all that I feel bad for you. Makes you wonder who the hell can you trust. Some people just take things for granted.:spank:
There is always something good, in something bad. I talked to my painter, who did the gold leaf and the air brushing. He was devastated as well. He told me that he was going to repaint everything for me, free of charge, as I had sent him so much business from just showing the bike. How cool is that??

I also have had some hard core bikers say that they would happily take care of the problem for me. They are the potato potato potato kind of bike riders, who usually don't like rocket bikes, but the gesture was nice.....
so sorry to hear about the vandalism. those guys are terrible for what they did, and hopefully what comes around goes around. am happy to hear your painter is helping you out, as well as the other biker friends...

if you think that you can recover some money from them from small claims court or you shoudl do it. the burden of proof is a lot less stringent, and m since the judge will decide based on evidence presented, i think that as long as you can prove he had access to your gear and no one else, seems like a no brainer...

that being said, sometimes in life, we have to pick & choose our battles. if you think those guys will try to retaliate even further against you, then it's not worth risking your physical safety to deal with a bunch of thugs, who obviously show no signs of any type of class or reason. if that's the case i'd just let it go and try to see the positive side and move on.

the best revenge is to live a happy, successful life and not even give those losers a second thought.
the best revenge is to live a happy, successful life and not even give those losers a second thought.

This. And if that doesn't work, grab a hard, blunt object and have at it. :D
I am very sorry what happened to you. It is a fact that bad things happen to good people such as your self. I hope the people that did this get what they deserve...somday. I am sure when it does happen,, they will cry " Poor,poor me,, look what happened" . Those people are thoughtless bastards. :spank: Please do not stoop to their level.Hold your head high and roll with the punches,,,no one deserves this to happen to them. Laurie
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Here is a bit of knowledge I picked up regarding this type of thing.
I had 30k worth of race bikes stolen and taken out of state. (YSR50's (4))

Police are useless because there are no witness.
Civil court is useless for the same reason and if you won, you have to collect and that is even harder. The guy will hide the stolen stuff and himself.

Get the paint and help you can for free, try not to use insurance and risk getting dropped if at all possible. Never allow access to anything that has value again. Have trust issues where your race equipment is involved.

Now for the perp....call him from a pay phone in another area not close to your residence and let him know that you know he did it and it was 40 to 50K worth of theft and damage. Tell him that you have been offered a deal by people that he really does not want to meet in person and you accepted. He will not know the time or place or what will happen but you would rather be in Afghanistan alone surrounded by 1000 Jihadis with bad intent.

Hang up...deny the phone call to anyone and everyone....There is no specific threat and he probably has many other enemies so the Police will not pursue this as there is no record of the phone call that can be linked to you. He will be paranoid for a very long time....the cost to his inner feeling of safety will far exceed the value of the loss to you. He will probably move and become extremely paranoid and this will affect his entire life and all his relationships in a very negative way for possibly several years.
Payback is a B...tch.
Really sorry about the damage!! But if you have any influence in the racing community, you may be able to black list these people, or at least make them very undesirable for anyone else to sponsor. I know that sounds like a vengeful thing to do, but you might be able to prevent this from happening again to another sponsor sometime down the road.
Here is a bit of knowledge I picked up regarding this type of thing.
I had 30k worth of race bikes stolen and taken out of state. (YSR50's (4))

Police are useless because there are no witness.
Civil court is useless for the same reason and if you won, you have to collect and that is even harder. The guy will hide the stolen stuff and himself.

Get the paint and help you can for free, try not to use insurance and risk getting dropped if at all possible. Never allow access to anything that has value again. Have trust issues where your race equipment is involved.

Now for the perp....call him from a pay phone in another area not close to your residence and let him know that you know he did it and it was 40 to 50K worth of theft and damage. Tell him that you have been offered a deal by people that he really does not want to meet in person and you accepted. He will not know the time or place or what will happen but you would rather be in Afghanistan alone surrounded by 1000 Jihadis with bad intent.

Hang up...deny the phone call to anyone and everyone....There is no specific threat and he probably has many other enemies so the Police will not pursue this as there is no record of the phone call that can be linked to you. He will be paranoid for a very long time....the cost to his inner feeling of safety will far exceed the value of the loss to you. He will probably move and become extremely paranoid and this will affect his entire life and all his relationships in a very negative way for possibly several years.
Payback is a B...tch.

:eek: I hope I never ever ever ever ever pi$$ you off!;)


:eek: I hope I never ever ever ever ever pi$$ you off!;)

Non-Violence can be more destructive than violence if used in the proper way.

I reserve this type of revenge for very special circumstances and do so with the full knowledge of what affect it will have on the victim. This is something that is appropriate in this case IMHO and I reserve it for those that both the criminal and legal system fail to deal with.

I'm a Vietnam era Vet who qualified Expert in every weapon, Jungle expert, Reconnaissance Scout and trained to love tunnel rat work. I love the psychology of what affects people deeply. What their worst nightmares are and how to utilize this when needed. Innocent people are completely exempt from any of this CDN6R so you are safe. Besides I love the Trailer Park Boys and actually purchased the whole 4 seasons and specials....LOL...
