entry level race suits?


New Member
i'm interested in getting an entry level racing suit for track days and days where i'm JUST riding, not commuting.

i was interested in the Alpinestars CR suit and the AGV Sport Willow suit

Has anyone had experience with either of these suits or know someone who has? The Astars Trigger was also recommended to me, but is a little out of my price range.
I'd recommend getting a 2 piece suit that zippers together. most track days allow this, and it's a lot more easier when you are just riding, ie stop for eats, just take off jacket. and also to cool down and rest etc.

I've had both makes, just Alpinestars jacket, and a full AGV suit. both are fine. don't think i'd buy anything before trying on tho, as sizes and fit can vary a lil
Yeah originally I was interested in the cortech latigo primarily. The retailer I sent my measurements to said the agv and astars suits would fit better
Yeah originally I was interested in the cortech latigo primarily. The retailer I sent my measurements to said the agv and astars suits would fit better

If you don't mind me asking, what are your measurements? I know that some suits are tailored towards European riders who tend to be skinnier than riders in the U.S., and then there are some manufacturers that make suits that fit American riders better.

I just wish there were some congruency between manufacturers. :surrender:
WOW Spunky thanks for the link....can't believe they are so cheap!

You are welcome.:D
They are a little thicker leather than the expensive suits and definitely not Kangaroo leather so they are a bit heavy and thick but they are sturdy.
I haven't seen the newer suits with the hump in person but I have bought items from them over a 1.5 year period and I've seen the leather quality and manufacture quality improve to the point where the products are on a par with Alpinestars without all the cool graphics and name brand appeal.

If you go for a 2 piece suit make sure they have a 360 degree zipper system and that the jacket and pants match and zip together. In a crash, you don't want the pants around your ankles..LOL....You can email them to be sure. I also emailed them my size and they suggested the perfect fit 1 piece racing suit.
I have several pairs of the carbon series racing gloves in all leather and in mesh and leather for summer and they are more comfortable and better fitting than the Alpinestars SP1 gloves.
I just e-mailed tyhem my measurements for a recco. Damn my beer belly, it always plants me firmly between sizes on everything! Grrrrrrrrr.

I haven't had a beer or any alcohol in 15 months and I still have a beer belly. I think it might be age....:rolleyes:
I haven't had a beer or any alcohol in 15 months and I still have a beer belly. I think it might be age....:rolleyes:

Well I have a bit of a beer belly too since I retired from Michelin Tire,,but since I don't drink alcohol,,,I figure it is a FOOD belly. I love to eat.:tard:
Spunky:: are these made in Pakistan or China or ????? For those old enough to remember car commercials on T.V.,,,, Vinyl used to be called "Naugahyde" so that people thought it was real leather. Hope these are not "Naugahide"... Laurie
Spunky:: are these made in Pakistan or China or ????? For those old enough to remember car commercials on T.V.,,,, Vinyl used to be called "Naugahyde" so that people thought it was real leather. Hope these are not "Naugahide"... Laurie

NO naugahyde or Corinthian leather either. They are all made of 100% cow leather in Pakistan. I think my suit has Osama Bin Laden's initials on it for Quality Control..:D
No bomb pouches sewn in or popup hijabs on the Women's suits either. Just good quality leather work. Pakistan and Indonesia are 2 of the better leather worker countries. I would NOT buy any leather from China as it might be dog or something.
If you don't mind me asking, what are your measurements? I know that some suits are tailored towards European riders who tend to be skinnier than riders in the U.S., and then there are some manufacturers that make suits that fit American riders better.

I just wish there were some congruency between manufacturers. :surrender:

32.5 arms, 33-34 waist, 16neck, 38chest. I'm 5ft 11in and 160lbs, so on the slim side.

I'm kinda leaning towards the astars CR. Just wish it had a bigger aero hump :p

These are entry level and very well made.

Motorcycle Leather Suits - Armored Motorcycle Leather - Jackets4bikes.com

I wear the zipped up 2 piece for street and the 1 piece suit for racing.

Oh Crap, This place is great :D now I have another place to try to stay out of!
I am the only gear whore in my household, but my theory is... if I can get it at $100 instead of $300-$400, I get a lot of variety and the right gear for the right day :thumbup:
Someday I might run into just one set of pants/jacket that I want for all my riding, but so far, it's been more functional to have different stuff for different bikes, and rides.
