Does work out or being in good shape minimize or help during a crash?


New Member
As some of you guys already know, had a crashed recently. But what you should not know ... :D ... is that four to five months ago, started to eat healthier, do push ups, trying to do chin ups , and in general terms, being in fit.

Lost 10 pounds and one size and feel better than ever.

Yesterday, while I flew across air like Superman because this stupid girl, the impact did not bother me too much and grabbed the handle bar even different during the actual impact.

I know the jacket and helmet played a big role, but I don't feel so sore after such a muscle stress.

Question, is just mere coincidence of you guys think upper body streng may help during a collision?
overall being fit helps alot in the event of a crash. Which is why football players who come into constant "crash" with their bodies and having that aggressive contact...they work out intensively, its tried and proven in all sports that being fit minimizes injury and your body has a much more speedy recovery.
I'm older (58) with severe arthritis in my back, fractured vertebrae and missing or bulging disks. I have nothing that is limber anymore so Crashing hurts like hell.....

Stay in shape for as long as you can....
More meat between the road and your bones probably helps, knowing how to tuck and roll probably helps more. Somehow being able to relax mid-crash helps (that's why you keep hearing of drunks surviving horrendous crashes).

Having really good gear is better (good gloves, thick leather jacket, DOT/Snell helmet, armor plates, really good boots, spine protectors, etc.). The MotoGP guys are really skinny little jockey types and they crash their bikes all the time. If they don't get run over (Marco) they are usually little worse for wear other than a broken finger, occasionally a collarbone.

One thing about MotoGP/Superbike/Supersport is that they have really nice runoff areas on most of the tracks (except for the keyhole at mid-ohio, of course). If you're going to crash, try to do it by a nice runoff area. :)


When I wrecked I I had to go to work about 5hr after (3rd shift) I felt fine until the next evening after I had went to sleep and woke up...

Couldn't move my neck, could hardly walk and pretty much was in pain all over. And I was in pretty good shape at the time, but once you slow down and stop moving everything will tense up.
