Do you run red lights?


New Member
Never had this problem though. i live in a small town and im pretty sure all the lights are just timed. But if i was in a situation where i was waiting even one cycle, id just run it.


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I've only ran a light once on the bike with a harley when it wouldn't change for us and we were working together to try and get it to change. Any other time I try and keep to the main roads where I know they will change for bikes or there is enough traffic that it doesn't matter.


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6R Blackout

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Earth Magnets

I talked to a guy who attached 4 rare earth magents to the bottom of his bike, and he said it solved the traffic light actuation problem.

Where do you get these rare earth magnets?:don'tknow:


New Member
A friend of mine sat once on a perpetual red and decided to go after waiting some time because there was nobody in sight. Got pulled over by a cop right away. Explained the situation to the cop and got away with warning, but the cop told him to just take the right turn in such case and then do a U-turn in a suitable spot on the road.

That was a few years back in Redmond, WA. Late at night, too.


New Member
This was a major problem I ran into. I usually ride at night/morning. about 1am to 5am and the lights go on a sensor instead of rotation during the day.

I first tried the Red light green light magnet from Cycle Gear but that didn't work.

Then I waited 2 cycle changes and still nothing so I ran the red light making a left turn on to the freeway. Cop pulls me over and I told him why I did it I guess because he was watching me. He agreed with me since I told him MSF course told me to treat it like a stop sign in which I did and it was safe to proceed. He let me off, but of course he rode a bike himself.

I never run if there's a camera on there, I might right hand turns then a U-Turn.

Rode one night and it didn't detect my buddy and I, so we made the left (no cars in sight) and the car behind us went as well.

I don't run the red light just because there's no camera and my neighborhood is on the left.

Mike, I have been a Rider Coach for over 5 years and teach courses directly for MSF as well as the state of Georgia. Not trying to start an argument or anything but I can assure you that the MSF would never "officially" advocate breaking the law under any circumstances. The RiderCoach that told you that misspoke.


New Member
I absolutely run red lights if they don't change, once I feel that it is safe for my corporeal body to do so. For those of you unwilling to run, at what point do you take a mental step-back and ponder the depth to which the legal system has programmed your actions in life?


New Member
I think common sence comes into play at not only red lights but also Railroad crossings. I was stopped at one and could see a train had parked a ways up and was triggering the signal and crossing gates. As cars started to snake though it came my turn. I looked both ways and proceded with caution. Sure enough a cop appears out of nowhere and pulls me over. I explained in a calm voice that a train was parked on the track and was not moving. He looked and agreed. :) Another law that has passed lately is the addition to the "Failure to yield to an emergency vehicle". Has anybody been nailed for that?
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New Member
Mike, I have been a Rider Coach for over 5 years and teach courses directly for MSF as well as the state of Georgia. Not trying to start an argument or anything but I can assure you that the MSF would never "officially" advocate breaking the law under any circumstances. The RiderCoach that told you that misspoke.

Soooo what do you recommend? Wait indefinitely until someone shows up that can trigger the sensor? Or are you pleading the 5th?


New Member
I absolutely run red lights if they don't change, once I feel that it is safe for my corporeal body to do so. For those of you unwilling to run, at what point do you take a mental step-back and ponder the depth to which the legal system has programmed your actions in life?

Well, it's not that simple. Kinda, like with the broken windows principle. If you do stuff in public, your actions might encourage/embolden others to follow and while you have not subscribed to this, you might become instrumental in someone's poor choice.

All this moral gray stuff: when the judge steals the robber has an excuse.


New Member
happens to me every morning when i need to turn left to go to work...there is NOT a car around and i sit there for like 3-4 min then i end up running it. but i def make sure no one is coming


New Member
happens to me every morning when i need to turn left to go to work...there is NOT a car around and i sit there for like 3-4 min then i end up running it. but i def make sure no one is coming

Why do you wait that long if it happens every morning with nobody around???



New Member
I was at a left turn last night for over 4 cycles. The was traffic going straight both ways continually and there was no good place to U-turn. I know being in the center of the lane can trigger the sensors but I slid into an intersection that way so I go down the side and hover over the edge of the sensor. If that doesn't work I move the bike back and then over the center where all the oil is. I wait a bit but if the light doesn't change I go. Not much of a choice.
