Do You Ride With a Cam?

Do you have a helmet/bike cam, and if so, do you use it...:

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I do now... religiously...

I was getting ready to pull out of a parking spot tonight, at a local Publix (supermarket, for those of you in the West), and an older gentleman on a *beautiful* rust-colored Victory Hammer pulled up next to me...
He turned off his bike, pulled off his lid, and asked me about the GoPro mounted on my handlebar...asked if I always run it, and I then noticed he had a Countour mounted on his...

I told him "when I remember to bring it," and he just replied "well, remember it all the time..." He then told me a quick story about an open-air Jeep full of teens, and being followed by another, also full of kids, that ran him off the side of an embankment a few years earlier, down a 70 foot roll into a gully, resulting in two broken legs, couple of shattered vertebrae, broken ribs, etc...
The kids had taken off... fortunately, another biker saw him go down...
He had their plates, and a complete video record of everything they did, when the court case came up... the two drivers went to jail...

Anyway, it brings up a question I wondered about... who here uses a cam? And, for what purpose / frequency?
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I use it 95% of the time I ride. Sometimes the I forget to charge it otherwise its always on and rolling.
its going to be my next pick up. I've had several of close calls with people driving crazy and not paying attention. I'll consider it part of my safety equipment
I have 2 Contour 1080 cams and each and every helmet I own has a mount.
I have recorded several near misses and incidents involving road rage and assholes that don't care about our safety and posted to youtube.

I am currently in a legal situation that is going to be hopefully very enlightened by the video and possibly get me a good settlement.

I will be using the cam in my truck as well soon but I find there are more people that do bad things to motorcycles than cars.

On a good note, I typically erase the video in the cams right after work and let them charge for the next day because there were no incidents....Yayyyyyyyy.
I hear that...

I have more "near misses," "unintentional merges into me," and just basic teenage-texting-while-knee-driving-and-daddy's-beemer-is-on-auto-pilot BS on film than I care to think about...

Hopefully, it will never come to it, but I have no doubt that one of these videos, one day, like you, will end up in court...
I generally use it for entertainment/picking up my flaws in riding when riding 'spiritedly' I generally have the outlook on the road of if you're always prepared and looking for trouble it's easily averted. I used to get really worked up / road raged people because of the way they drive, but started to come to the point where I realise I can't fix them so I just have to be extra careful myself. With that said, I'm pretty much just making an excuse because I'm too lazy to constantly record :p
I only really do it when I'm riding hard, or if I just feel like getting some footage for making a vid or getting some pics, but i really should ride with it all the time. Had a few close calls and a few times I could have really had someones ass in court if I wanted to if something did happen.
I don't use it, I in fact have 2 and hate the go-pro. I instead run bullet cams tiny guys that I have both in my cars and on my 6r. The 6r is gone though, so, I will probably build a new system for the tiger. The memory of the go pro is not large enough. I use a 500gb hard drive for when I tour. Of course that is for several days, and thousands of miles.
i use mine nearly every time i go out except my ride to work and back as i can't bring a camera in the building and i'm not leaving it on the bike
i will

it is very important of it . Some crazy people do not have sence . Just be careful
I was just thinking about a camera this morning on my ride into work. These crazy scooters in traffic is somewhere worth capturing. Most recent examples... a chick carrying a dog and a dude smoking and texting while splitting lanes! Everyday something new.
Not only do I religiously use a helmet cam when riding my bike, I now have a truck cam. I won't drive a car or motorcycle without video evidence anymore.
I live in the concrete jungle of Los Angeles County where the uninsured outnumber the insured drivers and they don't spik English or have driver's licenses either.
No can't afford one right now, but if I had one I would definately wear it on my helmet all the time

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!
For those that have cams, is the HD Hero2 (Professional) worth the extra $100 vs the HD Hero (Original)? Also, do they really record for 8 hrs w/ the 32gb sd cards or is that at a lower resolution than the 1080p?
