Decisions decisions


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Here's my opinion on this.

Honestly, just because you don't trust people don't give up riding in fear of getting killed. Honestly, if your daughter is meant to lose you then its meant to be, I learnt that the hardway when my dad passed away a little over 2 years ago. Theres nothing you can do, if your meant to go your meant to go weather your on a bike, in a car, or just walking down the street. It will happen when it happens.
Congrats on the baby!!!! :D

As for the riding part, no biggy.... If its just not doing it for ya then dont force yourself to do it. It is a very risky activity and you and your family comes first. No one will hold that against you.
Congrats on the little one. Whatever happens we will still be your brothers. Just something for thought, one day you'll walk out to the garage and she'll (6R) will be gone. I had a SV650s a few years ago. I sold it for my wife/son on the way etc... Don't get me wrong, family is first. But man, did I miss her. I would sometimes forget, walk out into the garage and she wouldn't be there... You don't really know what you had until it's gone... ;) (I'm just saying) Good luck on whatever you do.
but can it? Shes a cadmium yellow rarity bro ;)

On the bright side, having a baby on the way is AMAZING! Im glad your willing to stick around. If you dont need the money why dont you let her collect dust in the garage and on the special occasion where you get the right hand twisted throttle can?
but can it? Shes a cadmium yellow rarity bro ;)

On the bright side, having a baby on the way is AMAZING! Im glad your willing to stick around. If you dont need the money why dont you let her collect dust in the garage and on the special occasion where you get the right hand twisted throttle can?

Thats what i'm saying. Yes if I HAD to i'd sell my bike for my family in a second, but if I don't NEED the money then I would never do that. I'd rather ride a little then none! I have a coworker who only rode 11 miles in the past year, but he still keeps his bike for if he gets the time.

Hell I work 7am-7pm 5 days a week and 6-12 on Saturdays, I don't have a LOT of free time, but I still manage to go to the gym daily, spend plenty of time with my fiancee, and ride at least 30 minutes some point in every weekend.
It's just a bike :rof:

"......and it can be replaced."

Congratulations, Diluted. I don't blame you. I have 22 & 24 year old daughters and they grew up really fast. Enjoy the time with your family while you can.
It's just a bike :rof:

I'd rather take the close to $300/mth I spend on it and put it towards doing stuff to my car.

Well I was thinking in the perspective that the bike was paid off... in that case, yeah just sell it lol
Is it wrong that I am wishing you the best , but looking at what aftermarket parts you have...just so I can grab em :D

No but seriously, give your child everything you can. If you can make the percentage of living in the child's life, even 5% higher...DO IT! The kid will deserve all that and more.

I have been with a bike on and off from the time I was 16, [1960].:eek: You can always buy one again.:D I have three daughters and the wife always worried about me in the times I rode. I was in one accident early on but have had good luck from that time on. Once in the wind the calling never leaves.
