Decal Removal



How do i remove my decals fully. I tried some heat from a blow dryer but some of it just wont come off. I got some goo gone but it doesnt seem to work.
1) Heat gun or blow dryer.
2) 2lb fishing line.
3) Goo Gone for residue clean up
4) Patience

..... a beer or 12 :iconbeer:
My grandma's old trick - peanut butter. It has enough grit in it to free up the adhesive, and the oil takes away the stickiness, all this without a scratch. It works faster on sticker glue than decal glue, but I used it on my bike and it worked.
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And speaking of decals,what do you guys think of this as a alternative to the STAR on the Yellow 6R,,,, could pass for stock.
I have to admit...I think that is better looking than the original....course its hard to go wrong when you have yellow to start with!!
I have tired Goo Gone,heat and alcohol nothing seems to be getting the leftover residue off
Looks great! Where did you get them?

A fellow in Ontario Canada,he bought a 09 Yellow 6R and changed the decals to the Blue 6R design. See here::Home His site is mainly for his Seca Turbo so you have to use :contact us,,, to ask him about the Yellow FZ6R decals.
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I just removed mine a couple minutes ago. The first one i got anxious and I started peeling it off and not waiting for the decal to warm up so it left a little residue. The second one was just about perfect. Goo Gone and a towel laying around took care of the residue. Then Pig Spit for a good ol' shine! :)
I have tired Goo Gone,heat and alcohol nothing seems to be getting the leftover residue off
Please try a little lighter fluid. When I had my tank decal on, I used a heatgun (carefully, just enough to heat the decal up ... use a hairdryer as an alternative), peeled, then put ligher fluid on a cloth and it wiped right up. Seriously, super easy and took a total of about two minutes and you couldn't tell there was ever a decal on there. Use a regular cleaner after that just to get any residual kerosene off, then use a quick spray wax. No lines, just a clean spot. I did this several months ago and to this day it sparkles with no evidence of a decal being there before.
A fellow in Ontario Canada,he bought a 09 Yellow 6R and changed the decals to the Blue 6R design. See here::Home His site is mainly for his Seca Turbo so you have to use :contact us,,, to ask him about the Yellow FZ6R decals.

Thank you - email sent :)

All the decals are off, but the residue wont come off. I put Goo Gone on it but it doesn't seem to do anything
Im more than a little cautious about putting lighter fluid on my plastics
