Death Wish


Lumen Junkie
Elite Member
No one has any respect for other people's property. When someone doesn't own anything, they don't realize what it means to someone else.

That sucks, you got a ton of time in that ride, it would be a shame to let some jacka$$ push you into parting with it. If the cash is there, make it better...
OMG! Thats absolutely ridiculous! I am very sorry to hear this, please don't sell your bike we love you here! Your an asset to our community! Do you have the capability of locking your bikes inside or no? God I would be irate.

I know how you feel, I brought my car to a dealership in the cities here where I bought it to get a few things fixed after I purchased it. I left it over night, again this rig was show quality, fully custom interior, custom paint, rims, $3k in was a beauty. I got a call the next morning saying someone broke into it on the lot and my car was trashed. The dealership only gave me $1100 and said go ahead...sue for more and spend it all in court fee's. I was pissed. Sorry not trying to hijack, just showing you I can relate! I sold the car...It felt raped and like it wasnt my baby anymore.
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If I ever caught someone doing that, to my bike or someone elses... they better hope they are a lot tougher than me! :eyebrow:
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I'm really sorry to hear that. I'd be outraged too, but the reality is this is the world we live in, one we have to share w/ people who choose to make bad decisions.

Take some time to think about what you're going to do. Personally, I'd rather ride on a dinged bike than not ride at all.
If you were in jail Id come get you! Anything for a brotha, I also edited my above post. Its for sure a good thing you didnt see him do it, he may not have lived. I had an expirience where I saw someone attempt rape after bar close on a girl...I thought I was going to go to prison when the cops got there. He was in a pool of blood with a broken nose and shattered eye socket, and busted teeth. Good thing witness's were around and they had street cams showing the attempt prior to me hearing her scream for help.
totally sux to hear that happened... =(

i would get it fixed and try not to let some stupid ppl's behavior deprive u of enjoying ur bike. can u invest in a bike cover like the one in this video?

[ame=]YouTube - ‪2009 Yamaha FZ6R - Seat Cowl‬‏[/ame]
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I feel that people with that kind of disrespect deserve coporal punishment, tie them to a pole and whip them, this is what they need to learn respect

They caned that kid in Singapore for grafitti'ing the cars, I betcha his attitude changed after that disciplining.
I hate it when you have a pristine piece of art and someone treats it like crap.
You can only guess what went through my head when I saw my totaled bike at the dealer when I was bundled off to the hospital leaving a working bike for the tow truck operator to destroy.

I got over it and bought a used bike with blemishes....

Sorry for your loss...I understand....
Put'em in the shed. We have a 2 car garage, the car sits on one side and the 2 bikes (my FZ6R and the wife's T-Max) sit on the other side. The truck and the daughter's car sit in the driveway. Priorities. David
