Day of the Wheelie


New Member
So today I took the bike out today before it rained with a goal in mind. I had read a thread in the general FZ6 forum about doing a wheelie and surviving. So I decided to give it a try!

Now I am wondering if anyone else who has an FZ6R! has successfully done a wheelie? I failed miserably. I was really just trying to get the front wheel off the ground. One of the suggestions was to drop down to 1st gear, let off the throttle to lurch forward a bit then punch it! I tried this at a few speeds from 5-10 MPH and didn't feel the wheel budge at all. I know it's possible!

Any tips, suggestions?

I still think my bike has less power after the 600 mile service :p
"Search" :thumbup:
You might need to lean back and pull on the bars, BUT I would not recommend doing it unless you are very experienced in doing it. I think we've all seen countless youtube videos of people failing at wheelies.
The R wheelie's just fine, in first gear at about 5-6000 rpm when, I leaned back a bit on the bars the front came up and the wheelie could be modulated nicely with the throttle.

Perhaps I could get a vid wheelieing this weekend.
I've pulled the front up only about 6 inches (might try again, still new so I'm cautious about things like that) but it'll definately do it. 1st gear in revs around 6-6.5k let off then quick hard on the throttle and front will go up. I haven't done REAL hard on that 2nd hit of the throttle so haven't brought it up higher yet but when I feel better about it I'll hit the throttle harder.
wheelie = a good way to ruin a good bike.. good luck if you still try.. but don't cry if it gets #@$#@#% up...
Wheeling is not that hard to do. Just go around 20mph and pull the clutch in and release it real fast. While you pull it in, give it some gas, NOT full throttle, but rev it out a bit and front should come up. Just keep working on it like that and you shouldnt kill yourself. Clutching is the only way I recommend doing wheelies without killing yourself.
Experience is what you get when you fail while trying... This kind of experience is nothing I would deliberately go looking for. Even if successful someday you or the bike will eventually take damage.

That being said, I felt the front wheel lift once while getting on it hard in first gear (right about 6500 rpm) and it scared the crap out of me. I just let it settle back down without event but I don't care to repeat it. Certainly not on purpose.
Experience is what you get when you fail while trying... This kind of experience is nothing I would deliberately go looking for. Even if successful someday you or the bike will eventually take damage.

That being said, I felt the front wheel lift once while getting on it hard in first gear (right about 6500 rpm) and it scared the crap out of me. I just let it settle back down without event but I don't care to repeat it. Certainly not on purpose.

I understand better safe than sorry but "you or the bike will eventually take damage" will occur in any event...

Its a "spice of life" thing which is why I bought a motorcycle in the first place but I respect your position on the matter.
Isn't that a paradox?

I think the idea is to not learn to do wheelies on your brand new, beautifully pristine FZ6R, but rather buy a crap stunt bike to learn on. I think what MNDZA is trying to say is that it's not the best idea to take huge risks on a bike you plan to love and cherish for a long while. Then, once you're comfortable with the tricks, do them on your R :thumbup: I would love to someday learn how to do a burnout really well, but there's no way I'm learning how to do it on my beautiful FZ.
Lean hard over the handlebars and have slightly too much air in the rear... Unless you're talking about brakestands... THen it's just a matter of a lot of gas, clutching it right, and perhaps a helping nudge to the front. That'll get'er spinnin'!
I generally don't try to wheelie. Sometimes I do it by accident or should I say and when it happens I feel totally comfortable with it.
If you're going to wheelie it might be helpful to understand where the motor is producing power. For example: at 4000 rpm your motor might be making 35 horse power but at 10000 rpm it might make 80 horse power. So the ability to wheelie is specific to horse power/torque. Any of these FZ6's has the ability to wheelie when you are in the proper power band of the motor. If you have to wheelie study it a little. There are a lot of videos on it including some of the other results that can occur. The only real advice I (Your Dad) can give to you is please make sure you have your gear on. That's right you little b*stards! I'm your Dad and I know your going to try a wheelie as soon as I turn my back so ATGATT All The Gear All The Time! Geeez! Study it a little....
I just broke 1K last week, so I've been opening it up and riding more aggressive. The front wheel, it will come up. Open it from a stop or a slow role and take it to around 7-8K +. You can feel it pull up probably 6", now hit second wide open and it will still pull up. I don't care what the stat's or the numbers say, this bike has alot more, uhhm...well you know, than my FZ6 had even after a front gear change.
Maybe this can help you.... [ame=]YouTube - How to wheelie a Motorcycle[/ame] :rockon: :D
Pretty informative. I've only on a deserted road done the roll on but I did the bringing rpm's up, letting off a hair and hitting the throttle again. Hasn't gone up real high, foot and a half to two feet for maybe 15 feet at most. I mostly worry about the front fork seal if it comes down too hard so haven't really tried to bring it up high.

Ahem, 1 1/2 to 2 feet off the ground FOR maybe 15 feet. Yeah 15 feet up woulda put back tire about 11 feet off the ground which would be probably higher than when I was 16 years old jumping on my Honda 175 (XR I think?).
