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  • Hey, I am also interested in getting a fender eliminator. Any chance you are still making them?
    Hey there, Your inbox is full so I'm unable to send you a message, I would like to purchase one of your Fender Eliminator's today. Do you have any left?
    Do you still have any FE's available? Got my FZ6R end of December and was researching on the Forum and saw your kit. Looks awesome...
    Hey man, do you still have the FE's available? if so how do i buy them. I am really interested in them.
    If I can help just one person, then it will be a successfull tour. My recruiter never told me I would end up in Russia! Saved a few lives, worked on a few boats and few different aircraft, so I think I have some great experiences to share and motivate, I hope. My recruiter was a GM and of course the first thing he asked was "Do you like guns?" I said "I like airplanes". Take care Mark, Talk to you soon.
    I was offered a finance job after college and b/c I was broke and tired of no $$ took it and just never completed any of the above. I did several years ago look in going back in as an officer but the paperwork was like ridiculous so I just never completed it. Probably should of done reserves but life just got in the way and now I'm too old. Oh well I like being a teacher and my life is good now too. I'm happy for you sounds like you got it going on. Pay it forward and change some young mans/womans life for the better. I remember every detail and how he (recruiter) asked do you have a job I said no, do you attend college no etc, well next thing I was watching this (Miami Vice Coast Guard video) and I was so jacked up I wanted that action adventure. Little did I know that video was mild compared to the real action. I had a blast and lots of action and adventure! Your friend Mark
    Good Choice....yep after talking with you I had to go break out the old pictures. Those guys I was stationed with were the best years of my life. I only got out to finish college after getting accepted at FSU and having a chance to play football I could not pass it up. After I got my BS I then wanted to go to law school and then go back in as a maritime lawyer with the USCG.
    Sounds like a good assignment. I'm sorry I don't know anything about that area, but maybe these sites might be helpful. CityData.com & Zillow.com It was a CG recruiter who changed my life. I tell my HS kids all the time about my good ole Coast Guard days. Best times of my life. My only regret is I did not do 20. Are you getting your college degree? I went to community college pt while i was in miami. Good Luck & keep me posted. Mark
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