crazy speed trap


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To think i was cruising at 95 with some cars on a trip last weekend. Sheesh instead of buying mods with my first paycheck(recent new job) I'd be paying off a ticket, next thing I buy....radar detector O_O

I wonder if I can make the windshield flash everytime the detector alarm goes off :cool:


New Member
To think i was cruising at 95 with some cars on a trip last weekend. Sheesh instead of buying mods with my first paycheck(recent new job) I'd be paying off a ticket, next thing I buy....radar detector O_O

I wonder if I can make the windshield flash everytime the detector alarm goes off :cool:

Thats the smart thing to do, radar detectors are the best. They make a few laser scramblers as well which are highly effective. I can get you a good price on that stuff sparxx. Pm me for info bro. :cool:


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Cops seem to be out pretty thick in MN this last week. On my ride to/through Rogers Wed., Saw 4 UC fishing for speeders within a 25 mile range. :(


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Cops seem to be out pretty thick in MN this last week. On my ride to/through Rogers Wed., Saw 4 UC fishing for speeders within a 25 mile range. :(

I usually cruise 80-85 on that stretch, Ill have to slow her down a notch! :surrender:


New Member
There were a couple of speed traps in my area once that were just a pain in the ass.

The first one where the road is a 45mph zone that drops to a 35 for about 300 yards and then jumps up to a 55. Nobody slows down right there. And about once a month there will be anywhere from 3-6 cops parked there, one of them will be standing about half way inside the 35 zone (in the shade of a big tree) with a radar gun out and the others are all parked around a slight bend at the end of the 35 zone so you can't see them. They just sit there and wait and actually flag you down to pull over. My wife got nicked there for 50 in a 35. Pretty chicken shit imo. There's also one just down the street from my house. It's all 25mph residential roads. There's a fairly steep down hill section that you literally have to ride the brakes in a car to stay at 25. There's a big bush that motorcycle cops will park behind and hide with their radar gun sticking out around the corner. I got nicked there once for... get this... 29 in a 25. :eek:

I have the utmost respect for most cops. But that kind of crap is just bull shit. And I don't care what they say, they have quotas to meet. Otherwise they'd be out catching real criminals rather than wasting their time and our tax money charging people $195 for going 4mph over the speed limit.

In Florida, cops do not have quotas to meet. They are expected to write so many tickets a month and if they don't they get asked what they are doing out there. On the other end of the spectrum, they can get told to write fewer tickets. I know of one cop who was known to write tickets. It didn't matter what the case was, he'd write a ticket. He was also the cop who had the most complaints against him.

I don't know about other states but I do know that in Florida there are no quotas. Most people blame the cops for pulling something like a 45 mph to a 35 and then back up to a 55 mph just to sit at the 35 mph to get people. Unfortunately the police do not affect the speed of travel, that's all the DOT.

Yeah I wouldn't pull anyone over for 4 over lol. We're told to wait till 5 over to even suspect anyone. We're even told to wait till 10 over if they are on a motorcycle, but that's here in Daytona Beach Florida.


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Spitfire, I'm assuming you're a police officer, so I have a question for you: Are motorycles in general, and sport bikes in particular, difficult to get an accurate reading on? I ask because I know I've been caught dead to rights by a few squad cars that I didn't see until it was too late and I was going way too fast, but they never even flash their cherries. I do let off the throttle and let the engine brake, but I don't slam on my brakes when I see them.

So the only thing I can think of is, either they don't want to bother chasing me down, or they couldn't get a good enough fix on me to issue a ticket. Is it just a simple case of the former, or is there something to my suspition in the latter?

Negative, motorcycles (regardless of what kind) are just as easy as cars. In fact, an officer doesn't even need to have you on radar to effectively ticket you (in Florida). We are trained to be able to tell how fast someone is going (give or take 3 mph) by just our sight. In fact, I believe in Oklahoma (or some other country state), police aren't allowed to use radar, they have to set up two cars to judge speed.

In Florida, once again, we give more leeway to motorcycles, regardless of which kind. Two reasons, 1: They are more prone to speeding away (we have a no chase policy unless a felony has been, is being or is about to begin) and 2: They are generally harder to follow/pull over safely.


New Member
In Florida, cops do not have quotas to meet. They are expected to write so many tickets a month and if they don't they get asked what they are doing out there. On the other end of the spectrum, they can get told to write fewer tickets. I know of one cop who was known to write tickets. It didn't matter what the case was, he'd write a ticket. He was also the cop who had the most complaints against him.

I don't know about other states but I do know that in Florida there are no quotas. Most people blame the cops for pulling something like a 45 mph to a 35 and then back up to a 55 mph just to sit at the 35 mph to get people. Unfortunately the police do not affect the speed of travel, that's all the DOT.

Yeah I wouldn't pull anyone over for 4 over lol. We're told to wait till 5 over to even suspect anyone. We're even told to wait till 10 over if they are on a motorcycle, but that's here in Daytona Beach Florida.

I was riding down A1A the other day and I was doing 45 in a 35 the whole time and passed numerous cops, most bikes in Daytona do atleast 10 over..


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got pulled over this morning along with two other cars....asked if I was out drinking last night, I said no sir! He asked If I would submit to a breathalizer and I said sure as long as it doesnt pick up morning breath. He didnt see the humor! I was just trying to make light of the fact he was going to make me late for work on account of the police doing a random sting. The best part about it is the girl in a red HHR infront of me had to do a roadside sobriety test while crying her eyes out...I assume she failed the breathalizer :eek:

I was out on the bike till 1230am...and no room for drinkin when ur going to be on your bike! So I was happy I didnt have to worry!


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You guys don't have speed cameras over there do you?

The police have gotten worse recently with regards to these. They have gone from a marked SUV with appropriate signage ("Speed camera in use" on the far side as you have gone past it though). Recently they have introduced unmarked vehicles that could be of any design or age.

Some highways have fixed speed cameras. Usually on the back side of an over-pass.

And some states have introduced point-to-point cameras that log you number plate and time at 2 different points and if your average speed between them exceeds the limit you get a nice fine in the mail.

Initially the police defended the introduction of speed cameras by saying they were a visual deterrent to speeding, not revenue raising. But with these latest ploys, those arguments can be thrown out the door. They now just use the declining road toll as evidence they are working. Apparently the higher-quality and safer vehicle standards, better trained drivers and (generally) better roads have had no impact on these figures? Nope, can all be attributed to the speed cameras. :rolleyes:

They also have other tricks up their sleeve too. I was approaching a well know speed trap location and could see them in the distance. I hadn't realised I had just passed a mobile camera that flagged my rego as being expired. So they kindly pulled me over and made me aware of this. :spank:
