Coldest Rider Contest!


Super Moderator
Had this on another bike forum I used to frequent...

I know its a little early right now, but thought I'd get it out there so ya'll can think about it and maybe get some beginning pictures in here and watch them get colder and colder :D

How it works:

Take a picture of your bike next to a public thermometer. (such as a bank, etc.)
The coldest picture wins!
No photoshops, cheating, etc. Genuine pictures! Honor system here people!

It doesn't matter if you just suit up and drive to the thermometer and back. But the picture must be taken after this post. Not an old picture...

Let the cold begin!

Disclaimer: Don't get yourself killed! At your own risk only.
I wish I had a pic from last year when it was 18* (F) and I rode 14 miles to work :)

I was riding a Honda Ruckus though ha!
I had a pimped honda ruckus with about 1.5k in mods haha! This pic was the day I bought the FZ6R and put the Ruckus up for sale..


wish i would have noticed this!

i live in Maine and its alreayd below freezing here... i rode my bike to work yesterday (30mins of highway), and it was only 29 degrees...
