Coldest day you have ridden?


New Member
Yesterday morning I drove to work at 5:00am and it was 1 degree C. My ride is 25 KM on the highway and I cruised at 8000 RPM:). Anyone else riding at this temperature. I was well dressed and was comfortable. Today it was a balmy 4 degrees C. :)
so far for me just the mid 40....... picked up some glove liners last week.... been using just a wind breaker for now.

not sure how far i will go 30 might be pushing it..... but i will take short runs in those temps before they salt the roads.
Coldest I think was around 26-28 degrees. In my mesh jacket at that... :( Wasnt too bad, but need much warmer stuff to ride in it next time. Temps are getting below 30 now in the morning, so its time to get some better winter gear.
I rode last winter at 18 F. I froze. I was not comfortable at all. But it didnt help that I only had a mesh riding jacket. I had layers under that but I was still cold. This morning it was 34 F on my way to work. I was very comfortable.
I used to ride to work swing shift. Got off at 1am and although it was years ago I remember it well 16 degrees F.
I've ridden in 25 F and I love it! Anything below that and I would rather be skiing!!

I think it got down to around 50 degF on a ride last winter here in San Diego....Burrrrr.... LOL
About 32 F last winter here in FL. Was freezing! But loved it because I just got my motorcycle license.
The coldest I have been while riding wasn't even that cold. It was foggy though, and this was the early 70's, we didn't have good gear for motorcyclist in those days. I rode about 250 miles up the central valley of California in the fog. It went through my clothing and chilled me to the bone. I had to get off my Suzuki GT250 every 30 minutes or so and find a warm place to heat up. That ride took forever to complete. On the way back to SoCal I rode down hwy 101, much nicer and warmer.
The coldest I have ridden was around 26 F on my way to work in the morning. I had my Cortech textile jacket and liners on, a fleece scarf, my Scorpion cold weather gloves and some textile overpants. I was toasty warm. Burned up on the way home from work in the afternoon though.
I had to ride my ninja 250 to school a few years ago, only 9 miles, I had a sweatshirt and leather jacket on, and my favorite winter gloves. My fingers actually felt like they were burning when they finally warmed up at school.

When I was 16, my only way to get around was the 250 and I got caught riding in the snow once. I got almost all the way home from school and started spinning about 100 feet from my driveway! What a dumbass i was...
I have no idea how you guys do it. I get it; I grew up in SoCal and spent only 4 years here in Tennessee, and I'm OK with the cold. But that GD windchill kills me. I absolutely CANNOT stay warm. At all. I can layer up till I can barely fit into my leather jacket: undershirt, long-sleeve cotton tee, sweatshirt, quilted hoodie, quilted leather jacket liner, leather jacket, headsock that covers the neck, Fieldsheer Aqua Sport gloves with silk glove liners... bottom half stays warm enough though. I guess it's mostly my hands. I'm thinking of getting the Gerbings Hybrid heated gloves. However, there HAS to be a cheaper solution than blowing $300 on gloves!

Anyhow, I digress... coldest was 30F, for half an hour. 40F = 40min of endurance. 50F = 50min. 55F and over--I'm good; can be out as long as my food holds out.
I have no idea how you guys do it. I get it; I grew up in SoCal and spent only 4 years here in Tennessee, and I'm OK with the cold. But that GD windchill kills me. I absolutely CANNOT stay warm. At all. I can layer up till I can barely fit into my leather jacket: undershirt, long-sleeve cotton tee, sweatshirt, quilted hoodie, quilted leather jacket liner, leather jacket, headsock that covers the neck, Fieldsheer Aqua Sport gloves with silk glove liners... bottom half stays warm enough though. I guess it's mostly my hands. I'm thinking of getting the Gerbings Hybrid heated gloves. However, there HAS to be a cheaper solution than blowing $300 on gloves!

Anyhow, I digress... coldest was 30F, for half an hour. 40F = 40min of endurance. 50F = 50min. 55F and over--I'm good; can be out as long as my food holds out.

My hands are the only thing that gets real cold. And, I don't want to fork out $300 for heated gloves either...that's why I'm gonna try those hand guards out ($35). I hope that's the solution.
Yeah the main thing is your hands. I have glove liners that I bought from Cycle Gear, just takes a little bit of effort to put them in with clothes too.

Then I have Anti-Freeze neck guard aka Ninja mask.

Used to wear a lot of layers then I got the Frank Thomas XTI Mesh with liner and that thing is so warm.

Yeah the main thing is your hands. I have glove liners that I bought from Cycle Gear, just takes a little bit of effort to put them in with clothes too.

Then I have Anti-Freeze neck guard aka Ninja mask.

Used to wear a lot of layers then I got the Frank Thomas XTI Mesh with liner and that thing is so warm.

I've tried glove liners and a few different gloves, but they get too bulky and reduce the circulation to my hands, thus making it worse. I also wear the "ninja" mask. When it's real cold, I wear two. Ones more of a spandex tight to my head and the other one (that I posted above) blocks the wind. Together, I stay warm. So, I'm thinking these hand guards will block the wind chill and make a big difference. Thanks for the inputs all. I will post a mini-write up and review after I get them. Just shipped out yesterday and should be here next week sometime.
