Clutch problems...i think?


New Member
My fz6r with 400+ miles was not downshifting, well from time to time, all the way to first when done in a rapid motion, like when stopping at a light. I would have to kind of "double clutch" to get it in first gear. Sometime it actually felt that I really needed to step -or hit- hard the gear lever for it to actually go to first gear. No problems when accelerating from stopped.
So I took it in for the 600miles maintenance at the dealership and told them about the situation. 35mins later they tell me they are done doing the whole service and that the clutch was slipping a little. Well I take it home and now the clutch lever is harder than what it was and the friction zone is really "short" and "high", meaning that I just have to hold it in a little to get to the friction zone when before it was about midway from the whole "clutch run". It has been a week since that service and I was waiting, hoping, that maybe it just needed time to adjust, but yesterday first thing in the morning (about 1 minute running) I try to get to first gear and it wouldn't until I double clutched it. Later that day, from a cold star in neutral and the clutch all the way in, I got a gear grounding sound after a normal tap of the gear lever.
Obviously I have not taken it back to the dealership, I want to get first some info to be better prepared to get it fixed or understand that everything is fine and maybe I just need to allow the bike to "settle".
This is my first bike, thus the use of quotations. I don't really know anything about bikes other than an average knowledge of how engines and gears work; any advice will be appreciated.
Thank you.
The gear grinding and double clutching you describe are not normal on this bike. Make sure you have the proper free play in the clutch lever. The adjustment is very simple and is described in your owners manual. If that is correct it's the dealer's responsibility to repair the problem as long as it can be confirmed. There is no time necessary for anything to settle. It seems really fast to do do your 1st service in 35 minutes if you read all that's included on the service.
If you mean you're sitting at a stop light and then are trying to shift from say 6th down to 1st... good luck partner, you're mostly screwed at that point. I learned that the hard way on day 1 or 2.

Try to downshift to 3rd or 2nd at least before the bike stops dead...actually for me I bring it into 1st with about 1 or 2mph left to go before the stop and then find neutral and stop with the green light shinning N :) Then its just a matter of dropping to 1st and going...some will say you should hold the clutch and stay in 1st at a light in case of an emergancy get away...thats your call.

Get your clutch adjusted correctly. Sounds like they have messed with the cable at the lever or near the engine clutch case...Something doesnt sound right. U would think a dealer could do this simple task...:banghead:
If for some reason you...

find yourself at a stop in 2nd or 3rd etc with the clutch pulled in and unable to downshift to 1st, just roll up (pushing forward or back with your foot that's on the ground) or back a little while downshifting the foot lever and it will click down. It's normal. You will find the "sweet spot".
I get the same stuff on the R6 if I stop short and am in say 3rd gear. I cant just get it into first. I have to rock the bike and play with the clutch and gas to get it to slip back down through the gears. It was the same when I had the FZ6R. Just make sure your lever is properly adjusted and has the correct amount of slack in it.
i have similar issues. can't get a perfectly "smooth" shift at high RPM from 1 into 2... always seems to grind ever so slightly.

but, at low rpm or when i'm not gunning it, i can shift into 2nd very smoothly.

so, i'm not sure if it's me or what the deal is. but, i haven't really obsessed over it and have just been letting it go...


thanks to everyone that replied. Im going to check the free play on the clutch and then, if that doesnt fix it, decide if im going to live with it or take it to the dealership and see what else they can damage.
