Chain issue.


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Premium Member
If its an old chain, its stretched and should be replaced if its bad. Otherwise, check your sprockets for wear as well.

If the chain isn't too bad, then just remember to tension it using the tight portion of the chain.
I'd be replacing the chain right away as a portion of it is obviously stretched. Have a really good look at both sprockets as well. Chances are they need replacing too.
18k on a chain is pretty good lol. Time for a new one like they said. And if you don't have the chain breaker kit you can always use the clip style mater link. I've never had any issuses what so ever with clip master links.
I have access to all the tools, and parts at dealer cost, I should be okay. :D

Its lovely to be able to get parts and tools for dirt cheap :D
Change it right away!! That is a disaster waiting to happen if you don't!

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Roughly how long is a stock chain suppose to last you, mileage wise?

I'm a pretty conservative rider....i do mostly highway riding at 70-80mph. I normally shift around 5K rpm, and I rarely push her to the limit.
Roughly how long is a stock chain suppose to last you, mileage wise?

I'm a pretty conservative rider....i do mostly highway riding at 70-80mph. I normally shift around 5K rpm, and I rarely push her to the limit.

Upwards of 15k and some have gone 20k.... Just keep it clean and lubed, proper slack and not out of alignment. I would not know from experience though. I usually wreck or sell before then. ;)
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