Brand new rider, brand new bike! What to do now?


New Member
So i finally pulled the trigger on my dream of owning a bike. I bought a brand new 2010 Yamaha fz6r, blue. Rode the bike 700 miles in the first week. I definitely want to make some mods to it to make it stand out. First thing I was thinking was a FE and flush mount signals. Both are cheap and noticeably different. What to do next? Can u get like a blue tint led front headlight? Or possibly some neon for at night? Suggestions, comments? Thanks!!
Just search around, there are many of us that have done a different array of mods that may give you ideas! And welcome to the forum :)
Your best friend is the search tool! Welcome to our forum and humble community!
Thanks guys. Appreciate it. As for most mods... Is this something I can do by myself or would I have to take it to a shop? I cant wait to get some new mods and post some pics...
I have everything except a jacket. I am definitely getting all my riding gear first. Is it necessary to get specific riding pants ya think?
I never thought so, but now that I wear armored pants I feel naked without them. Whatever floats your risk/reward boat, I'd say.

Dart has it right, gear is the first mod and my opinion is MSF course second mod.

Then the fender eliminator!
Figure out an exhaust system that actually looks good, since no one else has.

Paint the wheels a different color, since no one else has.

Make your own version of the OEM decal, in different colors, that actually look better than the factory decals, since no one else has.

These three things should get you off to a good start. :thumbup:
Figure out an exhaust system that actually looks good, since no one else has.

Paint the wheels a different color, since no one else has.

Make your own version of the OEM decal, in different colors, that actually look better than the factory decals, since no one else has.

These three things should get you off to a good start. :thumbup:

You don't like the avaliable aftermarket exhausts? I think they are 1000x times better than the stock one.
Just pound some miles

That certainly is one of the best mods out there, the one that makes your odometer keep spinning- time in the saddle.
Frame sliders!!!

I would definitely recommend some frame sliders since you are a new rider. I did the same thing that you did and bought my first bike and everything about 2 months ago. Well I have already had a little accident and some frame sliders would have saved me a lot of trouble. Nothing to series and it will be back together tonight but it still sucked. So yeah I would check those out. Most people either have the T-rex racing, the shoguns or the intuitive racing. the biggest difference is price. I am waiting on a set of the Trex racing sliders. They are currently on back order but everybody I have talked to says they really like them.
+1 to the gear AND especially the MSF course. The course is probably the one best thing you could do for yourself and your bike. Having lots of farkles on the ride won't make it look any nicer if it's wrapped around a telephone pole.

Take the course, get (and wear) the gear, and just pound miles. It's a great bike to learn and grow on, and getting the most out of it will take quite a lot of riding.

Welcome to the forum! :welcome:
Welcome to the club! I would suggest as someone suggested, sliders, rear brake light modulators, maybe a used armored high vis jacket with armored pants and riding boots. Safety first my friend. Practice like mad and then worry about getting the other cool mods. It kinda sucks to have a highly modded bike and you'll be stalling and dropping the bike. just my @ cents! Enjoy and be safe!
Just a heads up if you have not found frame sliders yet. Trex racing is about to release a 2 generation of their frame slider and it is supposed to be awesome. I talked to the guy on the phone last week and they should be ready sometime middle of next month.
