Blizzard of 2013


New Member
I dont know how man of you guys and laddies, have heard about the little snow storm we're having up here in New England this weekend, but we're expecting any where from 18"-24'' some spots could get 30"+. Sooo here I sit with a nice bottle of Glenlivet 18, and wait for the power to eventually go out. Hope everyone else thats getting hit by this same storm stays safe. I'll try and post pics if I can tomorrow after its stopped snowing which they say should be arround 1pm.
Stay safe! Keep us updated if you can.

Lost power for about 15 min, lights have been flickering on and off for the last hour or so. To date we have about 4-5 inches on the ground and we are just getting into the heart of the storm. Will check in again around 10 pm Eastern time if I still have power.
Lost power with only 4-5"??? We'll have 3 feet of snow and I wish power would go out just so I could go home. It's not uncommon for 3 feet to dump here and still have power.

Good luck with the snow! Blue sky and a little chilly here today! Supposed to be beautiful here this weekend!!!!!!
a xfer switch is on my list... for now, my kids help me run cords through the window into the house....

one guy I was talking with said he backfeeds through the dryer plug... but that's a big no-no... if you forget to throw your mains, you run a chance of seriously hurting someone...

ours is setup with a automatic system in the main box, all we have to do is plug in the main cord into the generator when crap happens and start it up.

We built a good structure next to the house that holds the generator and a few tanks of gas just for it. Even have some nice vents for it and a exhaust routing to go outside the "shed". But the main thing was making it so that when we open it up the generator can be taken with us to be able to take where it's needed.
Got hit pretty hard here in Long Island. And of course, the county takes forever to plow the roads let alone salt them. Also railroad service was suspended which ruined my weekend plans :( damn nature

I'm safe and sound currently located at my parents house in Gloucester, MA. I'm up here because I will be without power until Tuesday at the earliest. I would conservatively estimate my town received 21" of snow since no totals can be found on the local news web sites, and towns around me are reporting totals at or above 21''. I still cant post any pictures since I have no access to my own computer, but I can report that my Jeep narrowly escaped major damage by a falling tree limb. All that happened was my radio antenna was ripped off by the branch. All in all it was tame in terms of snow totals nothing I haven't seen before (meaning more than 20" in one storm), but the 80 mph gusts that were recorded in my area with the storm were a new treat to deal with. That is all for now, I'll try and check in when I get back home to RI with PICS!!!
Hang in there everyone. I hope the snow melts quickly. Me being a Cali native, I dont do snow well. I can imagine its pretty frickinn Cold!!:eek: I hope it ends for you guys soon.:)
